
Sabtu, 02 April 2016

Training Your Dog to Sit

One of the most basic training tools to teach your dog is training him or her to sit. Fortunately, it is also one of the easier tricks to teach. Even a pup could pick this trick up rather easily. If your dog is a quick learner they may pick it up in a matter of minutes. In dog training learning to sit is one of the most important tools you can use.

When starting off you want to find a nice quiet spot, away from things that may distract your dog and take their attention elsewhere. Your dog should be focused on you and your commands. Be sure your dog does not have to relieve himself or need to be fed, this could also cause distractions. Nobody wants to learn something if they’re hungry and have to use the bathroom, right?

After you are sure you have your dogs full attention a small treat or some sort of praise is in order. All dogs love to be praised and dog training in this fashion could make things very easy. Just remember to be consistent when rewarding your dog. Inconsistencies could cause confusion and make the process harder than it need to be.

If you are using a treat as a reward, hold the treat over your dogs nose. When their attention is on the treat slowly move it above their head. Your dog will follow the treat with it’s eyes and nose and will most likely sit down by himself. Repeat this motion a few times while saying “Sit” and reward him every time he gets it right.

After your dog learns how to sit we want to phase out the treat little by little so he does it just by recognizing the command. Eventually your dog will hear the command and know exactly how to react. If you decide to give your dog a treat or snack just cause you love’em and they’re giving you that puppy dog look, be sure to use the sit command. This will help reinforce the training.

You may want to break this training up into small sessions. If you feel you or the dog is getting frustrated or the attention just is not there. Take a break and try again in a few hours. Also it’s a good idea to try using different parts of the house as well as outside. Get your dog used to sitting in different situations and different environments, around people, around other dogs. If your dog could do this you have successfully trained him to sit. Hope this has been helpful. Good Luck!

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