
Minggu, 10 April 2016

Dogs need for exercise

Dog training can be very intimidating to someone that has never done it before. There is a lot of information out there and sorting through it all can seem difficult. These are just some tips to help you start out with dog training the right way.

Introduce new animals to one another very slowly. Weighs the pros and the cons before adopting another pet. For optimal bonding, select a new pet whose personality is similar to that of your current pet.

 To be the most successful in dog training, make sure your dogs need for exercise is being met before starting a new training project. Canines were meant to exercise regularly. They need to run and work in order to be healthy and happy. Register for agility classes, run with your dog, and teach him or her to play Frisbee to increase activity levels. Make the activity consistent and stimulating for your dog.

 If you are welcoming a guest into your home, give them clear instructions about how to interact with your dog. These reactions may actually encourage dogs to jump up on your guests or attempt to dominate them.

 Do not neglect to make a visit to the vet for a spay or neuter around the six month mark. This should be done at the same time you start obedience training. A spayed or neutered dog is a better pet and a more attentive obedience student. You and your pet will enjoy a longer and happier life together.

 Stop your puppy immediately if he is chewing on something he shouldnt. This will help your puppy to learn what things he is allowed to chew and what he is not. He will then be less likely to chew on your belongings and instead will turn to his toys when he wants to chew.

 Training should be an enjoyable activity for your dog. Keep training sessions to more than 10 to 15 minutes to stay within your dogs attention span. Reward your dog generously, when warranted. Make sure you shower your dog with abundant praise when he does well. When training is fun, he will pay attention and listen to what you say.

 You need to let your dog be a dog, so give him some time to burn off that energy. Your dog requires a healthy diet, room to exercise, and plenty of activities and toys to keep him or her busy.

 Communication is the basis for dog training. As you train and interact with your dog, you must be consistent and straightforward. This applies to corrections and rewards, as well as your body language, when training. Remember to always pay attention to the communication signals from your dog. The animal will usually let you know what he or she is feeling.

 Introductions to new dogs or any other animals should occur slowly and carefully. Consider your pet at home before adopting a new one. In order to maximize bonding, a new pet will need a personality which complements the personality of the pet you already have.

 If your dog chews things when you leave him in the house alone, consider building a doghouse and leaving him outside when you go out. When this is not possible due to weather or living in an urban area, close your doors to all of your rooms. This keeps your dog out of your things. Be sure to leave chew toys out for them.

 Dogs have natural destructive behavior, so provide outlets for them to exercise their natural behaviors. Feed your dog a balanced diet, give them space to run, and provide them with activities that will burn energy.

 Limit the duration of training sessions. Your dog is going to get bored doing the same thing over and over. Try to limit initial training sessions to 10 minutes or less.

 Consistency is very important when training your dog. Make a list of all your commands, and ensure that anyone who might have to control your dog has this list. Reward your dog for following commands. Do not reward your dog if he doesnt obey. When the people around the dog use different commands and responses, he may become confused and training could suffer.

 Be consistent with your cues when training a dog. Your dog can learn to associate a command with a particular behavior, but if you keep changing the command associated with a behavior, youll confuse him and he wont do what you want him to do. It is absolutely critical to remain consistent throughout. If you strive for this, you and your pet will get more out of the training.

 Remember to enjoy the time spent with your dog during training. Taking time to play creates a strong bond between the two of you, and your dog will be more likely to respond well to training. Training can be a fun experience, however, getting some enjoyment for yourself and the dog through play is a good thing.

 Large dogs that prefer to lie down on their backs or stretch, out should have a big bed to get comfortable in. Large, flat rectangle beds are made for large dogs. You can also get a little creative, and just buy a mattress made for a babys crib. Simply utilize fitted crib sheets to cover it. They can be removed and washed very easily. These mattresses are usually waterproof also.

 Remember that more difficult behaviors should be approached in steps. A simple example is teaching your dog to get the morning paper. You first need to teach him exactly what a newspaper is and then how to hold it. He will then need to know what the object is by name. Then, he needs to be taught to pick up the object. The last step is to train him to bring the object to you. If you break it down, your dog will understand the linear relationship of the behavior.

 Do not tie a couple of dogs closely together. The dogs could get wrapped up and they may be injured. If one dog happens to be much larger than the other, the small dog could get tangled to the point that it could choke to death.

 A clicker works well when training most dogs. Using a clicker is as simple as showing your dog that good things happen when the clicking noise is heard. Try using this technique right away, doing it frequently over a span of a few days. Your dog will soon know that the clicking noise means that they are doing a good job.

 After learning some helpful hints on how to get through to your dog and train it to behave to your expectations you simply need to follow what you have learned. After changing your dogs behavior to fit with the tips suggested you can properly train your dog..

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