
Rabu, 27 April 2016

Dog Health Eye How to Recognize and Prevent Common Eye Problems

By Nicki Howell

Protecting and caring for your dogs eyes is an important part of canine care. Often we dont really think about it until something goes wrong. Read on to learn about recognizing and preventing common dog eye problems.

Common Dog Eye Problems.

When a dog has an eye problem, it is often very noticeable that something is wrong. Its always wise to consult your vet if you suspect a problem. Weve included several common dog health eye problems:

• Infection - If you see suspicious discharge from your dogs eye, he may have an infection.

• Lumps on the eye - sometimes these are cysts, but you should consult with your vet to be sure.

• Entropion - folding of an eyelid where lid hairs contact the cornea

• Cherry Eye - prolapsed gland of the third eyelid

• Ectopic Cilia - an abnormal eyelash that is usually very painful and almost always causes an ulcer.

• Dermoid - congenital defect where haired skin is located in an abnormal place on an eye and will often irritate the cornea and can cause ulcers.

• Cataracts - contact your veterinarian to make this diagnosis.

• Follicular Conjunctivitis - itchy, tearing, squinting can be related to allergies.

• Dry Eye - Typically occurs when there is a lack of production of tears.

Keeping your Dogs Eyes Healthy .

There are a few simple steps you can take to keep your dogs eyes healthy.

• Keep shampoo out of your dogs eyes when washing

• Watch the toys you play with dog (no throwing sticks)

• Keep the hair around your dogs eyes trimmed, but be very careful when trimming.

• If your dog has a foreign object in his eye, it should be removed by your vet. If your dog struggles with you when youre trying to remove, further injury could occur.

For more information, visit

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