
Kamis, 02 Juni 2016

Dog Training How To Stop The Chewing Problem

By Amy Howells

Many people have begun the task of getting there dog or puppyinto a dog training school. There are a lot of aspects that aregone over in dog training classes. Unfortunately, one part ofdog training that is not gone over very well in dog trainingclasses is chewing.

It is hard to go over a chewing problem in dog training classesbecause dogs often have nothing to chew on or destroy while inthe class! If you are one of those people who are in dogtraining classes, but you still need help with chewing, pleaseread on.

This type of dog training can be for dogs young and old. Manypeople find this part of dog training to be more common inpuppies. But older dogs have been know to need this type of dogtraining because they love to chew things up while their ownersare away!

To begin this type of dog training, you must first realize thatall dogs chew. Dogs need to chew. So when you begin, make sureyou have several things that are ok for your dog to chew on.Then begin your dog training by keeping all of your dogs chewingtoys in one location.

This way, your dog will learn to associate this spot with hisor her chew toys. You must do this in order for this type of dogtraining to work. Try to have the dog toys in a "toy box" foryour dog.
During this dog training, never spank or hit your dog if youcatch it chewing on something it is not allowed to. Instead, foreffective dog training, praise your dog and pet it when it chewson what it is supposed to chew on.

It has been shown that dogs respond much better to positivepraise and positive dog training. If the dog continues to chewon things that it shouldnt, verbally reprimand it. Your tone ofvoice will be enough punishment and is the only punishmentnecessary for this kind of dog training.
Another method of dog training you can try is to put a tastedeterrent on the items your dog shouldnt chew. This DogTraining chew deterrent is called "bitter apple" and it isavailable at most pet stores.

These are the most effective means of dog training that willteach your dog not to chew on inappropriate things. If youfollow all of these aspects, your dog training should go moresmoothly.

Dog training can be a fun and rewarding long asall of your favorite things arent chewed up in the process!Keep calm and be patient to achieve good results.
About the Author: Amy Howells is an expert dog trainer who runsa website dedicated to teaching people how to train their dog orpuppy in just 21 days.

Visit for more info.


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