
Minggu, 12 Juni 2016

Companion show in aid of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

Dont forget our show this coming Sunday at Roseisle Village Hall.  Entries will be taken from 11am and judging starts at noon in three rings.  £2.50 for first entry per dog and 50p for subsequent entires with the same dog.

There are lots of classes on offer - something for everyone!

Pedigree Classes                    Judge:  Pamela Hughes
1.             AV Puppy (6-12 months)
2.             AV Junior (12 – 18 months)
3.             AV Hound
4.             AV Terrier
5.             AV Gundog
6.             AV Working
7.             AV Pastoral
8.             AV Toy
9.             AV Utility
10.          AV Open

Novelty Classes          Judge:  Susan Stott

11.          A V Golden Oldie (any dog over 7 years)
12.          AV Special Beginners (first time at a show for dog & handler)
13.          AV Crossbreed
14.          Dog in best condition
15.          Junior handling
16.          Handsomest dog
17.          Prettiest bitch
18.          Dog with the waggiest tail
19.          Dog with the most appealing eyes
20.          Dog most like its owner
21.          Dog the judge would most like to take home
22.          The Odd Couple (any combination of two dogs)

 Triers,  Highers and Fliers obedience classes will be judged by Steve Hirst.

The kitchen will be open for the usual refreshments and we will be holding a raffle.  Any donations for the raffle will be most appreciated.

Everyone is welcome so come along for a great day out with your dog in a lovely setting.

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