
Selasa, 17 Mei 2016

E Collars Shock Collars

Hello and welcome,

So i see a lot of people talking about the e-collar and saying thats its a bad thing. Well any kind of training tool can be bad for your dog; so why is this any different? I have seen and have used a shock collar as most of you know it as. To me a shock- collar is a great tool and can save many dogs from being put down. So you ask why? Well if used right it can be the best tool of all. I have used flat collars, chock chain, martingale collars, and even used the prong collar all which did nothing, but cause pain for my dog which was something i didnt want. Now i have the e-collar and there is no more yanking,yelling and no more stress walks when she would see a stateboard or rollerblades going by. If the e-collar were to be in the wrong hands yes, it could harm your dog if you dont know what your doing just like any training tool. A shock is something that comes out of no where, so when you use the e-collar you want to put a command with the page. Example: You call your dog to come and the dog doesnt come then you try it with the e-collar and you call your dog with the page the dog comes, now without touching the page call your dog to come, and now dog comes when called. This collar gives a clear message to your dog there is no messing this up unless your doing it wrong, so before you think the collar is bad do your research and go find people that do use them and try it out yourself. Rememeber any training tool can bring harm to your dog if not done right or if in the wrong hands.

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