
Senin, 16 Mei 2016

We learnt from the best

Its so good looking at the progress on my dog training skills since I completed the course. I wonder how the other guys that did the course with me are finding the results. Before, I used to struggle with basic commands, I put the training into practice and withing two days my dog could follow commands and now its progressing on daily basis. The course was worth the effort.

It was such hard work at the college and its good to see the results. It was so tiring and when we graduated the fatigue was not there, but a day later it set in. I had to take a deserved break from all the running around and rested.

Guys send your pictures and I would really like to hear from all of you.

Once again, what a wonderful bunch of guys you are. We learnt from the best and lets ensure that we do not disappoint our instructors who put up so much work into making us the best we could be. Lets be living examples that the college produces the best trainers.

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