
Kamis, 31 Maret 2016

Secrets Of Professional Dog Trainers Top 10 Tips To

By Nicholas Dodman

Dog obedience training is one of the best things you can do foryour dog and yourself. Obedience training doesnt solve allbehavior problems, but it is the foundation for solving justabout any problem including soiling your house, destroying yourbelongings, barking excessively, digging holes in your yard,fighting other dogs and even biting you.

For most dog owners, dog obedience training is a daunting task.However, training your dog is about to get much easier, if youfollow my advice below.

Here Are My Top 10 Tips for Training Your Dog.

1. Dog training should be an enjoyable experience for you andyour dog. If you are not in the right mood for training, donteven start.

2. Keep dog obedience training sessions short (5-10 minutes) tomaintain your dogs motivation. Dogs will learn much more fromregular short sessions than from longer, less frequent ones.Once the dog has learned several useful commands on thecontinuous reward schedule, the schedule should be changed toone of intermittent rewards.

3. Always end training on a positive note. Ask your dog torespond to a command you know he or she will obey. Then rewardyour dog for a job well done and issue a finish command such as©free© or ©release.© Avoid common words such as ©okay.©Following a training session, both owner and dog should be leftwith feelings of accomplishment.

4. Keep in mind that your dogs motivation to respond to acommand decreases as the complexity of the task increases. Ifyour dog doesnt respond appropriately to a command afterseveral attempts, dont reward him or her. Resume training a fewseconds later using a simpler command. Return to the morecomplex task later.

5. Remember, the odds of success hinge not only on the degreeof sophistication of the task, but also your dogs motivation torespond. From a dogs perspective the question is, which is morerewarding: chasing the squirrel or returning to the owner?Understanding this aspect will increase your patience andchances for dog training success.

6. Training should not involve any negative or punishment-basedcomponents. There should be no yelling, no hitting, no chainjerking, no hanging, and absolutely no electric shock. Rememberthat the opposite of reward is not punishment; it is no reward.If you ignore unacceptable responses, your dog will not berewarded for his or her failed response. Most dogs want toplease their owners or, at the very least, to obtain highlyvalued resources (food, attention and toys).

7. Ensure that your dogs motivation for reward is highestduring a training session. If food is the reward, train before ameal, not after. If praise, petting and other aspects of yourattention are to be used as a reward, schedule the trainingsession at a time when your dog hungers for your attention (forexample, after you have returned home from work).
For complex tasks, such as the off leash down-stay, your dogwill be more motivated to comply if he or she has receivedmoderate exercise before the training session. Asking a dog thatis bursting with energy to remain in a prolonged recliningposition is asking for failure during the early stages oftraining.

8. Make sure the reward you offer in training is the mostpowerful one for your dog. Food-motivated dogs work well forfood, but the treats used should be you dog©s favorite food. Ifpraise is used as a reward, deliver it in high singsong tones,which are most pleasing for the dog. Also, enthusiasm in yourvoice will be much appreciated. If petting is to be used as areward, it should be in a way that the dog enjoys, such asstroking the dogs hair on the side of his or her face in thesame direction that it grows, or scratching him or her on thechest.

9. After a correct response, reward your dog within ½ second ofthe command. This will ensure your dog makes the connectionbetween the behavior and the reward.

10. Use short commands such as sit, down, leave it, quiet, out,and off. Say the word once. Do not repeat the command. Dogs willremember a command for about two minutes before the notion islost. Shorter words are better than longer words and words thatend in a hard consonant (C, K, T, X) are better than those thatend in a vowel because you can ©spit© them out.

A Bonus Dog Training Tip:

The ©Holy Grail© of training is to have the dog reliablyobeying commands off lead, even when other things are going onaround him or her. This level of training can be achieved, butonly after a lot of hard work and investment of time. Itssomething to strive toward.
About the Author: Get your free daily dose of pet crazy storiesand access to over 8000 veterinarian approved advice articlesguaranteed to help you train your dogs and keep them livinglonger, stronger lives at:

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Natural Dog Food VS Commercial Dog Food

By:Dawn Williams

In order to make a truly sound decisions on your dog food options, we need to look into "Why was commercial dog food created in the first place?"

Commercial dog food was never created to be beneficial to your dog. The very first was actually a biscuit made with wheat, vegetables, beet root, and beef blood. However, this was just the first not the pioneer in the dog food market. Commercial dog food was created by slaughter houses and mills looking for a way to sell their by-products (diseased meats and un-wanted parts). In order to sell these disgusting products, companies had to come up with some very creative ways to market them. Here is a brief list of some of their marketing techniques, in my own words of course.

The miracle cure, just like in the old movies. Our food will get rid of your dogs fleas.

The Great Depression, cant afford meat than buy our cheap dog food.

Dogs eat just about anything form scrapes to poop, so why feed them expensive people food?

A huge Viral Campaign was launched in the 1960s, that stated people food was bad for your pets.

Specialty Dog foods, if your dog is old our food will make him live longer.

And my personal favorite (which is still used today), You must feed your dog store bought food, because you have no idea on how to feed your pet a balanced diet.

Truth be told, eventually people and vets started debating the nutritional value of dog and cat foods. In order to please the customer, dog food companies started adding vitamins and labels to their products. Adding nutritional labels also fueled a new marketing campaign, now they could market pet foods as "complete". It does not matter what product is in the can or bag, as long as it was fortified. After reviewing dog food history, it is very clear which food is best for your dog or cat. Since commercial pet foods where never intended to be good for your pet, why would you buy it?

The funniest thing to me about the whole debate is, commercial dog food is made from people food? When you see a dog food commercial, what is shown? Beef, vegetables, and grains, everything that people eat on a daily basis.

If your vet recommends a natural store bought product that has meat, and vegetables as the main ingredient, why is it wrong for me to give my dog a small piece of steak and some potatoes!

Dawn Williams is a freelance writer that enjoys researching and writing about small, but important topics. She gives her inspiration for good dog food to">GOOD DOG FOOD

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Why Dogs Do What They Do

The way dogs behave a times, can confuse their owners. This often makes the bond between the dog and the owner difficult. If you understand why dogs do what they do, and how they do them, it will give you an upper hand in the bonding and training process.

Being a member of the wolf family, dogs have a social habit that makes them run in parks. They all have their roles, ranging from the dominant male and the submissive females.

Traits such as establishing or developing roles in the park is one of the such habits that the domestic dog inherited. A dog will like to know where he or she fits in the park. This makes it essential for the dog owner to take the lead and become the leader. Unless this is done, the process of bonding and training will be a little difficult.

Some dog owners are sometimes reluctant in taking the lead, because they are afraid of offending their little friend (dog). You have to overcome this fear if you really want to achieve your goal of having a submissive dog.

A dog will establish himself as the boss if he is not tamed, he also end up growling and biting the owner, thus dominating. To avoid such acts, the owner has to take the lead by showing the dog that he must take the lesser place in the social order.

Such a dog will reject your training efforts, because he feels he is in charge. Some dogs might become too protective, thus becoming a danger to others, and even their owners. This is a natural character built in the wolf family; they often take the lead in protecting the pack.

One thing that is paramount in dog training is that you have to teach your dog, and also learn from your dog.

I believe this article has opened your eyes to some little things, that though they look small or negligible, they really matter in the successful training of a dog.

Check Out This Do It Yourself Dog Training Manual. It Will Really Give You More Insight On How To Give Your Dog The Best Training.

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A top spot for Desmond

The Papillon Club of Scotland held an open show at Alva on Saturday, 28th August. Sues Elwood won his Puppy Dog class and Desmond also won his class but then went one better by taking Reserve Best In Show!

Desmond - RBIS
(photo courtesy of Bill Duncan)

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DIY Dog Training Books

Dog Training Book List

Get a Free Sample Lesson. 7 Basic Lessons & 8 Great Bonuses.
Dove Cresswells Dog Training Online.

SitStayFetch: Dog Training To Stop Your Dogs Behavior Problems.
Kingdom Of Pets : SitStayFetch.

Complete & Proven D.i.y. Dog Training System. 100% Guaranteed To Solve Any Dog Behavior Problem Quickly & Easily.
DIY Dog Training At Home

How to Housebreak Your Dog In 7 Days Or Less.
Housebreak Your Dog

All Your Ever Need To Know To House, Potty, and Obedience Train Your Dog or Puppy.
Dog Training Zone

These Are The Dog Secrets The Professional Dog Trainers Dont Want You To Know.
Dog Training

Expert Dog Training Course Reveals How To Stop Your Dog Problems Fast.
Dog Training Home Study Course

Stop Picking Up After Your Dog Within A Couple Of Days.
Puppy Housetraining - The Ultimate Guide

Below is a book that is focued on your dogs health.

Learn How You May Be Poisoning Your Dog.
Dog Food Secrets
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New match date

Sorry for the short notice but our end of session match has been rearranged for 12th July. This means that the last training night will now be the 28th June. The Good Citizen test night will go ahead on the 5th July, as planned.
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How to Train a Puppy

As a dog trainer, I often get asked for helpful tips about how to train puppies. As I think of them, I will post them on this blog. Here are a few to get you started:

1)  Communicating with your dog.
Communication is needed in order to successfully train your dog.  Never be angry or upset when you start a training session, because a negative attitude could cause the dog to become apprehensive toward being trained.  Getting and keeping your dog’s attention is necessary during a training session.  Start by saying your dog’s name in a happy, upbeat tone of voice, promptly followed by the specific command you want him to obey.  If necessary, immediately enforce the desired behavior, and praise your dog.  In your initial training, if you are commanding the dog to move, at the same time you say your dog’s name, and the command, give a quick snap and immediate release on the dog’s leash.  Then continue by verbally encouraging him to obey.  Remember to always keep the dog’s leash loose.  An additional way to get your dog’s attention is to use a treat, but if you use treats, they should be used sparingly, more as a reward instead of being a bribe for obedience.  Praise works best and is always available.

2)  Be consistent in your training. 
Your dog learns through repetition, so always be consistent in your training.  Mean what you say and say what you mean.  Be careful not to give the dog a command that you do not mean or are not ready to enforce if it’s not obeyed.  If the dog does not instantly obey, and is not immediately corrected, he is still learning, but what he’s learning is that he does not have to obey when you speak.

3)  Keep your training sessions short and happy.
Dog obedience training should be a very enjoyable time for both you and your dog.   Use lots of praise and encouragement.  Ten to fifteen minutes twice a day is a good length of time to practice.  It is better to have a couple short lessons daily than to have one long session.  If the dog is not doing well on a particular exercise, change exercises, or end that training session by giving the dog something easy to do, and then praise the dog.
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Rabu, 30 Maret 2016

Another best at Bon Accord for Benson

Bon Accord Kennel Association held their first open show of the year at Thainstone Mart, Inverurie on January 16th. Last year the walk across the car park was made difficult due to icy conditions, this year, thanks to lashing rain, the challenge was to get into the hall without dogs and owners getting soaked to the skin!

Once again Junes Benson took the top spot, his third big win in a row at Bon Accord shows. Last year he was Best Puppy at Thainstone and he also took BIS at the summer show in Seaton Park. Congratulations June and Benson!

There were a number of wins for club members, Ill try and remember them all but please let me know if Ive forgotten any.

Terrier - Cathys Sula won her class and went on to take the terrier group. Karens Ceilidh won her class and G3, Poppy was Best NSC and G4. Caitlins Solo won his minor pup class and puppy group 2.

Pastoral - Jennys Sadie took BOB and then the pastoral group.

Toy - Jills Chico was Best NSC and G2, Sues Rosa won her class and Gypsy was Best Toy Veteran.

Gundog - Sues Finlay and Logan both won their classes and BOB.

Hound - Liz took the whippet BOB and G3 but Ill have to find out which dog it was. Joans Bo was BOB and also G2. Erica and Dougs Willow won her class and BOB.

Utility - Morags Logie added another Best Import to his collection.

Ria won the JH 6-11 yr class, Glenn was 3rd. Caitlin was second in the JH 12-16 yr. There are also adult handling classes at this show and Morag took Best Lady Handler and then Best Overall Adult Handler.

Well done everybody!

Sula - Best of Breed and G1

Sadie - Best of Breed and G1

Pastoral group 1st - 4th

Toy group 1st - 3rd

Part of the gundog group line-up

Best in Show line-up

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Classes cancelled this week

Regrettably, due to the bad weather, classes have been cancelled for this week.

Next week, weather permitting, we will be holding our Christmas party. Everyone is welcome, there will be party games, food and a fancy dress competition.

The following week, 14th, will be the Good Citizen test night. Dont forget your brush, poop scoops and make sure your dog is wearing an identity disc showing your name and address.

Classes will resume on January 25th.
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Christmas party cancelled

Due to the continuing snow and bad state of many roads, including those around the hall, tomorrows Christmas party has been cancelled.

Hopefully there will be some improvement before next weeks test night. Well keep you posted.
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Dog Obedience Training

Getting frustrated that your dog jumps up on people when you are visiting friends? Can’t understand why your dog runs away from you at the park while everyone else’s happily comes back? The simple answer is have you tried dog obedience training? It is simple, effective and very fun to do if you have the right attitude and patience.

The basics of dog obedience training and teaching your dog to sit, stay and come. These basic training commands will be extremely beneficial to you later on in your dog’s life. When you take your dog out you don’t want him to be running muck in the street, you want to show him off for the perfect dog that he is! Dog obedience training can be achieved in a matter of weeks with the right attention, dedication and patience.

There are a lot of obedience classes available. So if you cant teach your dog by yourself there is plenty support at the class, there are also other dogs there. Not only are you training your dog you are socialising him to which of course is the next step after sit, stay and come. Dogs are kind of like children to an extent, except with a lot of fur, they need to be taught right and wrong.

I always find that treats are a great method of dog obedience training; you award them with a special treat when they have done something you have asked them to. If they don’t respond they don’t get a treat. There is no point shouting at your dog as he will only become scared of you and you don’t want that, you want to form a happy relationship with him. Dog’s are a man’s best friend!

When teaching your dog obedience try and teach him away from distractions like his toys, take him to an empty field or park where there aren’t any people, only you and him. Tell him firmly but nicely that you want him to sit, then take your hand and place it on his back and gently guide his bottom down, when it is down say sit and tell him he’s a good boy then award him with a treat. Repeating this over and over again will make him realise that when you say sit you mean for him to sit and he gets rewarded, soon enough he will know to sit when you tell him to and the treats are no longer necessary.

Getting him to stay is another matter, you’ll probably need another person for that. Get him to sit (once he has learned how) and get a friend to hold him. Walk away from him telling him to stay, using your hand hold it up firmly (doing this will make him realise that when you hold your hand up in the future you want him to stay as well, not just when you tell him to) then give it a few seconds and let your friend release him, when he comes to you make him sit and tell him how clever he is! Don’t forget to reward him. While using this technique you are also teaching your dog how to come to you as well, so don’t forget to say "ome" to him, not just his name.

When dogs are born they are like soft clay, they need to be moulded and shaped. You can teach your dog from any age and the younger you start the easier it is. Like they say: you cant teach an old dog new tricks!!!
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Kennel Cough

Please be aware that Kennel Cough seems to be on the go again. If your dog is coughing or has been in contact with affected dogs, please dont bring it to the training classes.
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Dog Training Tips Seeking Your Input

I want to encourage readers of this Dog Training Review and Tips blog to share their own success stories of what has worked for them. Please comment to this post with your BRIEF tips on what has worked well in dog training for you and your family.

For an easy to use and detailed dog training system check out the dog training materials at
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Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

Ways to use the Remote Dog Training Collar

To pick the remote dog training collar is among the most widely used methods to train your preferred pet and your four-legged friend. These remote electronic dog training collars allow us to train our pet, for any family dog, or your use within an occupation. The remote training electronic dog collars allows your dog to attain a brand new degree of obedience. The issue is there are various sorts of remote dog training collars available and youre simply unsure the thing you need. Electric Dog Collar Electronic dog collars came quite a distance through the years. A good remote electric dog collar must have good range. To teach your dog using electronic dog training collar, it ought to be worn not less than a few weeks. You also needs to ensure that you remove the electrical dog collar 4-5 times each day. This taking out the electric dog collar will teach your dog to consider the shock feeling using the electronic collar being off. That way your dog learns this is a great feeling. You also needs to teach your dog using electronic dog training collar inside a fenced area. The shock amount ought to be enough to simply turn the dogs head. Use it Just like a Leash CorrectionUsing electronic dog training collar are few things greater than a leash that isnt there (invisible). The electric dog collar ought to be utilized in exactly the same way while you would make use of a leash. Your dog ought to be brought to the electrical dog collar. To believe that simply by putting the electrical dog collar on the dog will train animal, this really is incorrect. The act of putting your dog collar on the dog has meaning for that dog, rotating the prong all have meaning. You should also discover the art of pushing the buttons for the greatest results.

Some people state that while using electric dog collar is much like eating chocolate. There are few things wrong with eating a small amount, however there are some who think this really is wrong. Never the less, utilized in a small amount, both of them are harmless and also the dog likes each of them. The harm occurs if you find an excessive amount of chocolate eaten, but nobody includes a solid rule as to the is alright for that dog and whats not. The electric dog collar provides a little electric shock and really should t be what you will get should you stuck your finger in an electric outlet. An inexpensive dog shock collar ought to be subtle in the manner they work. On cheap dog shock collars, you need to use that shock thats minimal to offer the obedience that youll require. The shock shouldnt frighten or hurt your pet. It can be very simple to be abusive using electronic dog training collar. For this reason the typical pet owner should avoid using the electrical dog training collar. Youll need some experience when utilizing electric dog training collar. The biggest thing may be the dog shouldnt be the main one treated inhumanely or with cruelty. This is simple to complete if youre careless in making use of the electrical dog collar. You need to know how your dog is feeling, and just how your dog is reacting towards the degree of shock thats being emitted. That which you need to do is determine the objective of while using electric dog collar or think about the alternatives to make sure your dog is treated properly in addition to trained using the better of care. For additional info on this topic along with other pet topics then visit: Remote Dog Training Collar

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Toilet training

Because dogs are pack animals it is important to let your puppy come into your house every day to spend quality time with the family. If you are only going to let him in a short period at a time then you can easily prevent him from going to the toilet inside by watching him and taking him out if he needs to go. If hes going to be allowed in permanently then you are going to have to take him out regularly to the toilet (the younger he is the more often he will need to go) and know the most likely times that he will need to go (usually after waking up, eating, drinking, and long periods of play).

Here is the toilet routine:

You pick the puppy up as soon as he needs to go to the toilet (he will start circling to find a place) and take him to the place outside where we want him to do it. Once there you must put him down and start walking in a small circle, looking at the ground and say,Toilet! Toilet!. He will start circling and then go to the toilet. As soon as he does, you must praise him "Good boy!" and when he is finished you must stroke him and continue to praise him and then walk with him back into the house.

The reason why we pick the puppy up in the first place is to prevent him from going to the toilet before we reach our destination. We walk in a circle because if you stand still the puppy will sit and watch you to see what you are going to do next, and if you walk in a straight line he will not stop to go to the toilet because he will think that you are on your way somewhere and that theres not time to stop! Stroke him only when he has finished to avoid distracting him.. Taking him straight back into the house shows him that he is not being exiled from the house when he goes to the toilet outside.

By now we have a puppy we are proud of, that does not mess in the house and the next up date would more about fun as we teach our friend to FETCH .

Speak to you next time!
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Dog Training Tips You Can Use

Dog Training Tips You Can Use

Getting a new puppy or adult dog is always an exciting time for the entire family. There is a good reason why dogs are known as mans best friend, and a loyal dog is more than just a pet - it is a beloved member of the family.

In order to achieve that level of love and companionship, however, it is important to start you need puppy or adult dog off on the right foot. A solid grounding in obedience and problem behavior avoidance is essential to making your dog, and you, happier and healthier.
Lets start with a look at basic puppy training, from bringing the new addition home to making sure he is properly socialized.

Dog training basics - training the new puppy

Bringing home a new puppy is always an exciting time for the entire family. Getting that new puppy off the right start with proper training is very important to making that puppy a valued member of his human family. There are a number of talents that every new puppy must master, including going up and down the stairs, and how to accept a new collar as if shes worn it her entire life.

It is best to introduce a new puppy to the household when everyone in the family is present, and when the household is as calm as possible. That is why animal care experts discourage parents from giving puppies and kittens as holiday presents. The holiday season is typically much too busy, with far too many distractions, for a young puppy or kitten to get the attention it needs. It is best to wait until the holidays have passed before introducing the new family member.

Once the puppy is part of the household, there are some things he or she will need to learn. One of the first challenges of a multi-story home will be learning to climb up and down the stair. Many puppies are afraid of stairs, and that usually means that they do not know how to climb them properly. It is important for the puppys owner to slowly build the confidence of the dog, starting off at the bottom of the stairs. In general, a wide stairway will probably be less frightening to the puppy.

To build confidence, the owner should go up the first step, then encourage the puppy to join them, using their voice, treats or a toy. After the puppy has joined you on the first stair, go back down and repeat the process until the puppy will go up that step on his own. It is important to build confidence slowly and not rush the process. Taking a one step at a time approach is the best way to teach the puppy to not be afraid of stairs.

Another thing every new puppy must learn is how to accept the collar. Learning to wear a collar is important to every dog, but many puppies are baffled, frightened and bewildered by this new piece of equipment. Many puppies constantly try to remove their new collar by pawing and pulling at it.

Fit is important when choosing a collar for your new puppy. A properly fitted collar, chosen for your puppys size, is more likely to be comfortable and accepted. While choke collars, slip collars and training collars can be good training aids, they should never be used as a substitute for a sturdy buckle type collar. And of course that collar should have an identification tag and license attached. This identification will be vital in having your puppy returned if she becomes separated from you.

The best way to introduce the puppy to the collar is to simply put the collar on and allow her to squirm, jump, roll and paw at the color to her hearts content. It is important to not encourage this behavior by trying to soothe the puppy, but it is just as important not to punish or reprimand the puppy. The best strategy is to simply ignore the puppy and them her work through her issues with the collar on her own. Introducing distractions, such as food, toys or playing, is a good way to get the puppy used to the color. Getting the puppy to play, eat and drink while wearing the collar is a great way to get her used to it. After a few days, most puppies will not even know they are wearing a collar.

Training your new puppy the right way

Puppy training is very important, whether you are training your first puppy or your 20th. Properly training and socializing a puppy is vital to making it a valued member of your family and your community.
In some ways training a puppy is easier than training an adult or adolescent dog. One reason is that the puppy is essentially a "blank slate", untroubled by past training techniques and other issues. In other ways, however, the puppy can be more difficult to train than an older dog.
One challenge to training a new puppy is that puppies are more easily distractible than adolescent and adult dogs. Everything is new to a puppy, and every new experience provides a new chance for distraction. For this reason, it is best to keep training sessions short when working with a puppy, and to end each training sessions on a positive note.
It is also important to allow the puppy plenty of time to play, and to interact with other puppies and dogs. Socialization training is vital to making your new puppy a good canine citizen, as dog aggression is a growing problem in many areas. A properly socialized dog learns how to play properly with other dogs, and overly aggressive play is punished by the other dogs in the play group.
This type of play learning is something that happens among siblings in litters of puppies. As the puppies play with each other, they learn what is appropriate and what is not. Inappropriate behavior, such as hard biting or scratching, is punished by the other puppies, by the mother dog, or both.

Unfortunately, many puppies are removed from their mothers and sold or adopted before this socialization has fully occurred. Therefore, puppy play sessions are a very important part of any puppy training session. Most good puppy preschool training programs provide time in each session for this type of dog interaction.
Introducing your puppy to new experiences and new locations is also an important part of puppy training. Teaching your dog to be obedient and responsive, even in the face of many distractions, is very important when training dogs and puppies.
One great way to socialize your puppy both to new people and new dogs is to take it on a trip to your local pet store. Many major pet store chains, and some independent ones as well, allow pet parents to bring their furry children, and these stores can be great places for puppies to get used to new sights, sounds and smells. Of course you will want to make sure the store allows pets before heading over.

It is important for puppy owners to structure their pets environment so that the puppy is rewarded for good behaviors and not rewarded for others. One good example of this is jumping on people. Many people inadvertently reward this behavior because it can be cute. While it is true that jumping can be cute for a 10 pound puppy, it will not be so cute when that puppy has grown into a 100 pound dog.
Instead of rewarding the puppy for jumping, try rewarding it for sitting instead. This type of positive reinforcement will result in a well behaved adult dog that is a valued member of both the family and the community at large.

This type of reinforcement can also be used in potty training the new puppy. For instance, teaching a puppy to use a unique surface such as gravel or asphalt is a good technique. The theory is that the puppy will associate this surface with going potty, and therefore be reluctant to use other surfaces (like your kitchen carpet for instance) as a potty.

Training your new puppy to accept the collar and lead
Walking on a collar and lead is an important skill that every dog must learn. Even the best trained dog should never be taken outside the home or yard without a sturdy collar and leash. Even if your dog is trained perfectly to go off lead, accidents and distractions do happen, and a collar, with proper identification attached, is the best way to be sure you will get your beloved companion back.Of course before you can teach your new puppy to accept a leash, he or she must first learn to accept wearing a collar. The first step is to choose a collar that fits the dog properly. It is important to measure the puppys neck, and to choose a collar size accordingly.

After the collar has been put on the puppy, simply let him or her get used to it. It is not unusual for a puppy to try to pull on the collar, whine, roll or squirm when first introduced to a collar. The best strategy is to simply ignore the puppy and let him or her get used to the collar. It is a mistake to either punish the dog for playing with the collar or to encourage the behavior.
Distracting the puppy often helps, and playing with a favorite toy, or eating some favorite treats, can help the puppy quickly forget that he or she is wearing this strange piece of equipment.

After the dog has learned to accept the collar, try adding the leash. Hook the leash to the collar and simply sit and watch the puppy. Obviously, this should only be done either in the house or in a confined outdoor area. The puppy should be allowed to drag the leash around on its own, but of course the owner should keep a close eye on the puppy to ensure that the leash does not become snagged or hung up on anything.

At first, the leash should only be left on for a few minutes at a time. It is a good idea to attach the leash at mealtimes, playtime and other positive times in the life of the puppy. That way the puppy will begin to associate the leash with good things and look forward to it. If the puppy shows a high degree of fear of the leash, it is a good idea to place it next to the food bowl for awhile to let him get used to it slowly. Eventually, he will come to understand that the leash is nothing to be afraid of.

After the puppy is comfortable with walking around the house wearing the leash, it is time for you to pick up the end of the leash for a few minutes. You should not try to walk the puppy on the leash; simply hold the end of the leash and follow the puppy around as he or she walks around. You should try to avoid situations where the leash becomes taut, and any pulling or straining on the leash should be avoided. It is fine for the puppy to sit down. Try a few games with the collar and lead. For instance, back up and encourage the puppy to walk toward you. Dont drag the puppy forward, simply encourage him to come to you. If he does, praise him profusely and reward him with a food treat or toy. You should always strive to make all the time spent on the leash as pleasant as possible.

It is important to give the puppy plenty of practice in getting used to walking on the leash in the home. It is best to do plenty of work in the home, since it is a safe environment with few distractions. After the puppy is comfortable walking indoors on a leash, it is time to start going outside, beginning of course in a small, enclosed area like a fenced yard. After the puppy has mastered walking calmly outdoors on a leash, it is time to visit some places where there are more distractions. You may want to start with a place like a neighbors yard.

Walking your new puppy around the neighborhood is a good way to introduce your neighbors to the new puppy, while giving the puppy valuable experience in avoiding distractions and focusing on his leash training.Puppies sometimes develop bad habits with their leashes, such as biting or chewing on the leash. To discourage this type of behavior, try applying a little bit of bitter apple, Tabasco sauce or similar substance (just make sure the substance you use is not toxic to dogs). This strategy usually convinces puppies that chewing the leash is a bad idea.

Training your puppy - eliminating biting behaviors
Bringing home a new puppy is always an exciting time. Introducing the new puppy to the family should be fun for both yourself and your puppy. One of the first challenges, however, to the excitement of the new puppy, is curbing inappropriate puppy behaviors.
Preventing biting and mouthingBiting and mouthing is a common activity for many young puppies and dogs. Puppies naturally bite and mouth each other when playing with siblings, and they extend this behavior to their human companions. While other puppies have thick skin, however, humans do not, so it is important to teach your puppy what is appropriate, and what is not, when it comes to using those sharp teeth.

The first part of training the puppy is to inhibit the biting reflex. Biting might be cute and harmless with a 5 pound puppy, but it is neither cute nor harmless when that dog has grown to adulthood. Therefore, puppies should be taught to control their bit before they reach the age of four months. Puppies normally learn to inhibit their bite from their mothers and their littermates, but since they are taken away from their mothers so young, many never learn this important lesson. It is therefore up to the humans in the puppys life to teach this lesson.

One great way to inhibit the biting reflex is to allow the puppy to play and socialize with other puppies and socialized older dogs. Puppies love to tumble, roll and play with each other, and when puppies play they bite each other constantly. This is the best way for puppies to learn to control themselves when they bite. If one puppy becomes too rough when playing, the rest of the group will punish him for that inappropriate behavior. Through this type of socialization, the puppy will learn to control his biting reflex.

Proper socialization has other benefits as well, including teaching the dog to not be fearful of other dogs, and to work off their excess energy. Puppies that are allowed to play with other puppies learn important socialization skills generally learn to become better members of their human family. Puppies that get less socialization can be more destructive, more hyperactive and exhibit other problem behaviors.

In addition, lack of socialization in puppies often causes fearful and aggressive behaviors to develop. Dogs often react aggressively to new situations, especially if they are not properly socialized. In order for a dog to become a member of the community as well as the household, it should be socialized to other people, especially children. Dogs make a distinction between their owners and other people, and between children and adults. It is important, therefore, to introduce the puppy to both children and adults.

The best time to socialize a puppy to young children is when it is still very young, generally when it is four months old or younger. One reason for this is that mothers of young children may be understandably reluctant to allow their children to approach large dogs or older puppies. This is especially true with large breed dogs, or with breeds of dogs that have a reputation for aggressive behavior.

Using trust to prevent biting
Teaching your puppy to trust and respect you is a very effective way to prevent biting. Gaining the trust and respect of your dog is the basis for all dog training, and for correcting problem behaviors.
It is important to never hit or slap the puppy, either during training or any other time. Physical punishment is the surest way to erode the trust and respect that must form the basis of an effective training program. Reprimanding a dog will not stop him from biting - it will simply scare and confuse him.

Training a puppy not to bite is a vital part of any puppy training program. Biting behaviors that are not corrected will only get worse, and what seemed like harmless behavior in a puppy can quickly escalate to dangerous, destructive behavior in an adult dog.

Teaching your puppy proper socialization skills
Teaching a puppy or a dog proper socialization skills is vital to the safety of both your dog and other dogs and people with whom he comes into contact. A properly socialized dog is a happy dog, and a joy to be around for both humans and animals. A poorly socialized dog, or one with no socialization at all, is a danger to other animals, other people and even his own family.
Socialization is best done when the puppy is as young as possible The socialization lessons a young puppy learns are difficult to undo, and it is important to remember that the socialization skills the puppy learns will affect his behavior for the rest of his life.

A dog that is properly socialized will be neither frightened of nor aggressive towards either animals or humans. A properly socialized dog will take each new experience and stimulus in stride, and not become fearful or aggressive. Dogs that are not properly socialized often bite because of fear, and such a dog can become a hazard and a liability to the family who owns it. Improperly socialized dogs are also unable to adapt to new situations. A routine matter like a trip to the vets or to a friends house can quickly stress the dog out and lead to all sorts of problems.

Socialization is best done when the puppy is very young, perhaps around 12 weeks of age. Even after 12 weeks, however, it is important that the puppy continues its socialization in order to refine the all important social skills. It is possible to socialize an older puppy, but it is very difficult to achieve after the all important 12 week period has passed.
There are so definite dos and dont when it comes to properly socializing any puppy. Lets start with what to do. Later in this article we will explore what to avoid.

Author: Chris Nagel
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Leash collar training

Dog training - Leash/collar training

There are many different styles of dog training, and finding the one that works best for you is important for creating a dog that is a talented, loyal and faithful member of the family. All successful methods of dog training work to reinforce the relationship between dog and handler, and the foundation of any successful training program is getting the respect of the dog.

Fortunately, dogs are wired by nature to seek out leaders, and to follow the direction of those leaders.This article focuses on one of the most popular methods of dog training - the so called leash/collar style of training. Other articles will focus on the other popular style of training dogs, often called reward training or positive reinforcement.

Both leash/collar training and reward training have been around for a very long time, and they have proven their effectiveness over time. The type of training that works best will vary from dog to dog, and from breed to breed. It is important to remember that each breed of dog has its own unique qualities, reinforced by hundreds of years of selective breeding. Of course personalities of individual dogs vary quite a bit, even within established breeds. You, as the owner of the dog, know better than anyone which style of dog training will work best, so it is important to work with the trainer you choose to achieve your goal of a willing, obedient and friendly dog.

Leash and collar training is the best way to accomplish many types of dog training, particularly in situations where the dog must have a high level of reliability. For instance, dogs that have an important job to do, such as rescue dogs, police dogs and guard dogs, generally benefit from leash and collar training.

In leash and collar training, varying degrees of force can be used, ranging from slight prompts with the lead to very harsh corrections. The amount of correction used should be appropriate to the situation, since using too much correction, or too little, will be ineffective. In a collar and leash based dog training program, first the dog is taught a particular behavior, generally with the leash. After the dog has demonstrated that it understands the command, the leash is then used to correct the dog if it disobeys, or when it makes a mistake. The leash is the main form of controlling and communicating with the dog in leash and collar training.

When using leash and collar training, the dog must be trained to trust the handler and accept his or her directions without question. In order for the dog to be fully trained, the handler must demonstrate the ability to place the dog into a posture or position he or she does not want to take. This does not mean using force, but it does generally require some level of physical manipulation. This manipulation is most easily and safely done using the main tool of leash and collar training - the leash.

It is important for every would be dog trainer to understand that the leash is simply a tool. While the leash is an important tool in this form of training, it is important for the dog trainer to be able to eventually achieve the same results using whatever tools are at hand. Even when the only tools at hand are the owners body and skill, the dog should be willing to obey. Creating a leader/follower relationship between handler and dog is still very important, and it is important to use the leash as a tool and not a crutch. A properly trained dog should be willing to obey whether the leash is present or not.

Training your dog the reward training way
Reward training is often seen as the most modern method of training a dog, but reward training is probably much older than other methods of dog training. It is possible that reward training for dogs has been around as long as there have been dogs to train. Early humans probably used some informal kind of reward training when taming the wolf pups that eventually evolved into modern dogs.

Many principles of modern reward training date back many decades. However, what is called reward training today has only enjoyed is remarkable popularity for the past 10 or 15 years. Many reward training enthusiasts are less enthusiastic about other methods of dog training, such as the traditional leash and collar method. However, the best approach to training any individual dog is often a combination of leash/collar training and reward training.

In addition, a training method that works perfectly for one dog may be totally inappropriate for another, and vice versa. Some dogs respond wonderfully to reward training and not at all to leash and collar training, while others respond to leash/collar training and are not at all motivated by reward training. Most dogs fall somewhere in the middle of these two extremes.

Clicker training is one of the most popular forms of reward training these days. While clicker training is not the answer for every dog, it can be a remarkably effective method of training many dogs. In clicker training, the dog is taught to associate a clicking sound with a reward, like a treat. The trainer clicks the clicker when the dog does something good, followed immediately by a treat. Eventually, the dog learns to respond to the clicker alone.

Most reward training uses some sort of food reward, or a reward that is associated with getting food. In most cases, complex behaviors can only be taught using this kind of positive reinforcement, and you will find that the people who train dogs for movies and television use reward training almost exclusively.

Reward training is used in all forms of dog training, including police work and military applications. Most scent detection, tracking and police dogs are trained using some form of reward training. Reward training is also a very effective way to teach many basic obedience commands. Reward training often incorporates the use of a lure in order to get the dog into the position desired by the trainer. The lure is used to get the dog to perform the desired behavior on his or her own and of his or her own free will. It makes a great deal of sense to get the dog to perform the desired behavior without any physical intervention on the part of the handler.

Getting the dog to perform a behavior without being touched is important. After the dog has performed the desired behavior, it is given a reward, also called a positive reinforcement. Treats are often used as reinforcers, but praise, such as "good dog" or a pat on the head, can also be effective rewards. Making a dog that has been reward trained a reliable dog is important, especially when the dog has an important job, like police work or drug detection, to do. For that reason it is important to get the dog accustomed to working around distractions, and to properly socialize the animal to both people and other animals.

Many dog trainers make the mistake of only training the dog inside the house or back yard, and only when the handler is there. In order to become a reliably trained companion, the dog must be taken outside the confines of its safety zone and introduced to novel situations.

It is also important to teach the dog to pay attention to the handler at all times. Having the attention of the dog means having control of the dog. Reward training is very effective at getting the respect and the attention of the dog when used properly.

In the following post I will discuss dog training basics such as unwanted urination.
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How To Effectively And Efficiently Train Your Dog

It is important to commit to effectively training your dog. It will pay off in the years to come, as you have a dog who knows his place in your family and loves it. Read on for some tips and advice on how to train your dog well.

Have the whole family help you train your new puppy. You may have one member of the family that does much of the training with him, but by having the entire family take part in the training, he will learn that he must obey each person that lives in the home.

Dogs who have separation anxiety should always also have ties with other people. Having relationships with several humans will prevent the dog from developing an unhealthy fixation on its owner.

Prior to acquiring the services of an animal behavior professional, you should conduct an interview and do some research into their background and reputation. Animal behavior professionals tend to have different opinions on how to train a dog correctly. That is why it is important that the trainer you hire is in agreement with your own techniques, before they use their techniques on your dog.

Dogs have great focus and can focus on one thing, ignoring everything else, until something breaks their attention. After you repeat these cues enough, your dog will learn to focus on you, primarily, as he or she waits for signals.

If you catch your puppy chewing on something he isnt suppose to be chewing, stop him immediately. This will teach your puppy what he can chew on, and he will be less likely to chew on those things hes not allowed to put in his mouth.

Introductions to any new animals must be done very slowly. Think of the pet you already have at home, before considering the adoption of a new one. Getting compatible pets is the key to a healthy home.

Training can be a big help for a dog suffering from separation anxiety. Non stop barking and the destruction of your house while youre away occurs when your dog has separation anxiety. You can help stop the behavior by teaching the dog to engage in other types of activity when home alone. Make sure as well that you give your dog lots of love to ease the anxiety.

Teething can be painful which is why your puppy chews on things, so always give him a choice of chew toys to keep him from getting into trouble. Offer your puppy a variety of acceptable items to chew on. If the puppy is suffering any pain from teething, freeze a wet washcloth for him or her to chew on.

It can be very difficult to train two dogs together. However, if your dogs distract each other while training, try training each one separately first, then work with them together.

One tip to keep in mind when training your dog is to not give up. Frequent reinforcement is the only way to help your pet maintain new behaviors and actions. Just as you need to keep feeding and sheltering your dog, training is a never-ending process.

Keep your dog up to date with dog training, in order to keep him or her compliant with an established set of rules. Most owners think training once is all that it takes. Pets share a lot of the same habitual learning that humans do. This is why on-going training is important.

Dont let your dog run the show. It is better to not give a command if you are not prepared to follow through and enforce it.

Start by teaching your puppy his name. Repeat the name as much as possible, and reward your puppy when he responds. There is no other word your puppy should be taught first. Spending lots of time will create a strong bond with your puppy, and will lead to unbreakable trust. This way he or she will be more open to some advanced training.

Having been said before, getting a dog trained will be a great investment. Dogs with behavioral issues can cause expensive damage to your residence, can create tension among loved ones, and can drive people away from your home. By following these tips and advice, you will have a happy, lovable dog who makes you proud for years to come.
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Senin, 28 Maret 2016

Dog Training Tips Protecting your Dogs While Traveling by Car

By Daniel Bell

Dogs need to learn the proper behavior for traveling in a car. After all, not only do you want your dog to enjoy his ride, but also, you want to make sure that he is safe. Additionally, you want your dog to learn the proper behavior for riding in a car so that he will not become a distraction and a danger to the other passengers in the car.

The most successful way to teach this is to be consistent from the very beginning. Always use the same method for restraining your dog so that he learns that will be his place while traveling by car. If your dog understands what you expect of him while traveling in the car, he will be happy to oblige.

The simplest way to restrain your pet is to use a harness that has been designed for use in the car. It allows the dog owner to clip his pet to one of the seatbelts in the back seat. If you plan to have the dog in your car on a regular basis, you might want to consider getting a special window guard. The guards are designed to allow your dog, or other pets, to have access to fresh air without any risk for injury. The window guards prevent your pet from falling or jumping out of the window.

If your dog is small, a collapsible cage that fits easily into most cars is an excellent choice. The cage needs to be placed on a flat surface to provide your pet with a smooth and safe ride.

If, on the other hand, your dog is large, you can consider getting a divider that will separate the car into an area for human passengers and one for animals. If the car does not have a hatchback or open access trunk such as those found in station wagons, you can always separate the front seat from the back seat. When placing the divider in the car, make sure that it is secure and will not become loose with a little activity or jostling.

No matter how you decide to secure your dog for traveling by car, it’s important to do so. A dog that is permitted free access to the car can easily become a distraction or a hindrance to the driver. Additionally, shop around and look at the different models and styles that you have to select from among to get the option that best suits your needs.

About the Author:Please take the time to visit my blog to learn more dog training tips
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New Deer Companion Show

Last Sunday a Companion Show was held at New Deer. It seems to have been an unusual setting - alongside the bar, as can be seen in the photos below!

Club members took the two top spots, Johns Harvey winning BIS and Erica and Dougs Twiglet taking RBIS. Frans Diesel also did well when he won a large gundog class.

Well done!

Thanks Fran and Ria for the photos.

Diesel - Best Gundog

Harvey - BIS and Twiglet - RBIS

Twiglets lap of honour
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The Ins And Outs Of Effective Dog Training

Your dog is not the only one who has some training to do. You do too. This is because, the dogs owner must first be able to learn the proper way to train an animal. Training a dog is not an innate skill; it is something one must learn. This article can provide some insight into the world of dog training.

Consistency is one of the most important requirements for effective dog training. Write down the specific commands you want to use with your dog, and get everyone in your household to review the list and use the same words. Also, make sure everyone knows what behavior should be rewarded, and what is considered bad behavior. Different training methods will only confuse your dog and delay training.

Your whole family should be involved with training the dog. While they may have a single person working with them regularly, getting everyone involved can enforce that they must always follow the rules and it will make it more consistent.

Teach your dog right and wrong for all instances. You will need to have these rules enforced by everyone in your home. It can quickly make your efforts backfire!

Go on a long walk with your dog if you plan to be away from the house a long time. When you wear them out they become less apt to have serious issues of separation anxiety when youre gone.

Appropriate training can help ease your dogs separation anxiety the times you are away from home. Symptoms include continuous barking and even destructive behavior. Train your dog what is acceptable in terms of his behavior and what is not. Allay his fears and apprehensions by showering him with compassionate affection.

Give challenges to your dog on a regular basis. Test your dog on occasion, to be sure that he remembers what you have taught him and help him keep it fresh in his mind.

Dogs that dont like being away from their owners should learn to be comfortable with multiple people. The dog needs to have other people around to get rid of its fixation with you.

Your dog should enjoy training. Keep the sessions limited to 15 minutes or so to avoid the dog becoming disinterested and distracted. Give your dog rewards that vary and come often. Make sure to shower your dog with praises when he performs well; dogs love it! This will make training and listening pleasurable for your dog.

Make sure to give your puppy plenty of toys that are okay to chew, so that he isnt tempted to chew other things that arent okay to chew. Take it away, and give him a chew toy. If teething is causing your dog a great of pain, give him a frozen washcloth to chew on and relieve the pain.

Using wee-wee pads is actually counter productive when you are potty training your new puppy. These pads leak and spread urine and feces around and could mark those areas as places where you dog will want to do his business. Wee-wee pads might also cause a dog to mistake anything with a similar shape (a rug, for example) for a suitable place to relieve itself. It is better to teach your dog that outdoors at all times is the best choice.

Dont let your dog make the decisions as to when to pay attention. Do not give a command if you dont have enough time and energy to enforce it.

Obedience classes are good ways to train your dog to follow your commands. The instructors in the classes can help you with a wide variety of problems that your dog may have, from not listening to your commands, to stopping bothersome barking, to sitting when you tell it to.

If you want a dog that is well-behaved, assure that everyone who interacts with the dog gives it the same treatment as you do. Dogs like routine and consistency. When the dog is given different commands for the same thing or given praise sometimes but not always, it can prove confusing and inhibit your dogs ability to behave the way you want him to.

Make sure you set your dog up to succeed when you train it from chewing inappropriately. Excessive chewing is not only damaging to your precious objects, but dangerous to your dog. Keep items that your dog may choke on put away, including nylons, hairbrushes, and common items that typically are left around the house.

Now that the people who are interested in training their new pet dog have, hopefully, learned some new tricks, they can proceed to pass them along to their pets. Once a dog is on its way to learning, the owner will begin to appreciate the dedication that he or she has shown for doing the right thing for mans best friend.
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Cleaning Your Dogs Ears

By Matthew Homfray

Just like humans, dogs produce ear wax (cerumen). If there are factors present which increase production of this ear wax, or if the normal clearance mechanism is compromised, then manual removal might be necessary.

Why clean the ears?

1. So that your veterinarian can visualize the ear drum. Waxy debris obstructs the view, so the integrity of the ear drum cannot be ascertained.

2. To remove debris prior to applying topical ear medication to treat an infection.

3. As part of a preventative ear care programme, to minimize the chance of an ear infection occurring.

When performing a general clinical examination, for example during a yearly check up at the time of vaccination, a veterinarian will usually look at the inside of the ear for excessive wax or inflammation. A vet will only want to look further into the canal with an otoscope if the dog is showing symptoms of an ear problem, such as scratching at its head, rubbing its head along the floor or head shaking. Otoscopic examination of the ear canal is usually performed to check for the presence of ear mites, foreign bodies (e.g. grass seeds), polyps, tumors and middle ear disease.

If the ears are waxy, but there is no evidence of an infection and no itchiness, then regular cleaning with a dog ear cleaner is the recommended course of action. Ear cleaners can usually be purchased at veterinary clinics, pet shops or online.

What do ear cleaners contain?

Many ear cleaners contain ceruminolytics, which disrupt the wax by acting on the cells it adheres to. Many also contain lubricants, which soften and loosen the wax. The main components are listed below.

Detergent (e.g. docusate sodium, carbamate peroxide, sodium lauryl sulfate)

Lubricant (e.g. squalene, propylene glycol, glycerin)

Ceruminolytic (e.g. olive oil, aqueous alkaline solutions)

Disinfectant (e.g. parachlorometaxylenol)

Antimicrobial agents (e.g. lactic, salicyclic or oleic acids)

Drying agents (e.g. isopropyl alcohol)

Is there a recommended technique for cleaning the ears?

The most common cleaning regime is to apply the product, gently massage the ear canal and then wipe with dry cotton wool. The objective is to keep the ear canals open, clean and free from accumulations of wax, debris and hair. Start with one ear, go through the following process, then move onto the other one. Squirt some of the ear cleaner into the outermost hole in the ear, when looking at it from above. Hold your dogs head steady as it will be inclined to shake its head at this point and disperse the liquid. Massage the ear canal with your fingertips so that it makes a squelching noise. When you have massaged for a good 20 seconds, take a ball of dry cotton wool and clean out the ear by wiping in a corkscrew motion. Your dog may now shake its head to remove the tickly remains from its canal.

Can I pluck the hair from inside the ears myself?

Regular plucking of hairy ear canals will make cleaning easier and improve ventilation. Although it seems like a sore thing to do, there are actually no nerves running through the hair follicles in the ear canal so plucking is painless. Owners can do it themselves at home if their dog is cooperative, but many prefer to leave it to the grooming parlour or to a veterinary nurse.

How often should I clean my dogs ears?

As a rule of thumb, once a month should suffice. However, dogs with large hanging ear flaps such as spaniels and basset hounds might need their ears cleaning more often. Dogs that swim frequently also need closer attention.

What if the home treatment system does not work?

Some ears are so dirty, hairy or sore, that a dog will not permit its owner to clean them out via the technique described above. These owners require veterinary assistance, where either simple lavage or mechanical removal is performed.


This is usually performed under heavy sedation, or general anaesthetic. A syringe is attached to a soft catheter, which is fed into the ear canal. Water is repeatedly injected and then sucked out again, containing globs of wax and debris. This is repeated until the liquid sucked out is clear. Sometimes other liquids are used rather than water, such as dilute chlorhexidine or povidone iodine. However, these can cause damage if the ear drum is ruptured. Since by definition most dogs requiring veterinary assistance to clean their ears have very dirty ears, it is safer to use water or saline as an irrigant.


This is the safest method of cleaning out wax as there is no risk to the ear drum. Sedation is generally required. A wire loop or blunt curette is gently pulled along the lining of the canal, loosening and rolling wax out of the canal as it progresses.

Dr Matthew Homfray is one of the veterinary pet experts at Our dedicated community of caring pet experts are waiting to offer you advice, second opinions and support.
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Minggu, 27 Maret 2016

The Linconor Team

Thanks to Linda for sending in these photos of Denzil, Hugo, Esmee and Freda, taken after a run of successful shows.
Freda qualified for Crufts at the Hound Association Champ Show at Stoneleigh recently. See Highland, Turriff and Tayside, Lochee posts for the other results.




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Dog House Training

When scolding your dog for doing the toilet on the carpet remember that we were once young and did not use the proper toilet either. Your dog needs to be house trained, and this can be done in a few easy steps, but over a long period of time.

Dog house training may be one of the hardest training techniques as it is the one that requires the most attentiveness and work. You have to be able to read your dog’s body signals as he can’t tell you when he needs the toilet. Many people make the mistake of assuming that their dog will bark when he needs the loo, sometimes they are lucky to find a dog that will but believe me there are many out there who don’t and accidents are found all over the house!

Dog house training requires a few simple steps as I said but they are time consuming ones. Firstly I would recommend putting newspaper in front of the door, that way if you see him doing an accident in the house you can quickly life him there and he will realise that if he needs to go and your not there to let him he has to do it on paper.

The next thing you need to know when dog house training is most dogs when they need the toilet will start to get restless and stat sniffing around, this is when you pick them up and take them outside, when they are really young you should take him outside at least once every hour. When you take them outside you can say things “do the toilet” or “do your business” or whatever command you want to use for your doing going out to do the toilet. Once they have done the toilet you must give them lots of affection outside straight away (of course it’s best to wait until they are done) They will soon come to realise that outside is the place to do the toilet and will after some time start asking to go out.

There are hundreds of books available on dog house training all of which use different techniques and routines. No dog is going to know straight away that outside is the place to do the toilet, they have to learn and you have to teach them (unless you don’t mind accidents all over the place) Oh and don’t forget to scoop!!
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Dog Training First Things First

Dog Training - Establishing your Leadership

When dog training it is important to remember that dog’s, being pack animals, look towards a leader for guidance and instruction. You wanna be that leader that your dog looks for. Establishing your leadership helps you dog find his place in the family social order and makes him easier to train.


The first thing we want to focus on is consistency. When dog training consistency helps with establishing your leadership. Good leaders are constant enforcers of rules and regulations. A dog will notice if you maintain the rules and might even test you a bit to see how much they could get away with.


Respect is also a key factor to being a leader. A respectful leader makes for a respectful follower. A leader should be firm with the dog but never enforce the rules with violence or punishment. Simply enforcing your will on the dog will not work.

Interacting with your Dog

The way you interact with your dog also establishes your leadership. When dog training Make eye contact! Dogs look for cue’s in their leaders eyes. Command Attention! By commanding your dog to heel and look at you, you reinforce your position as pack leader.

House Training

After establishing yourself as pack leader, house training will be a piece of cake. Here are some tip’s on house training your puppy or dog.

House Training is a very universal problem with a simple solution. Before you start house training you should always have you dog checked for bladder infections just to be safe.

Your Doggy’s Diet

Start them off with nutritious and good quality food. Never overfeed or make sudden changes in your dogs diet. This could upset the stomach and possibly create problems controlling the bladder.

Scheduling Meals

Running a tight schedule is also very important when house training. You should feed your dog regularly 3 to 4 times a day. By giving them scheduled feedings helps you predict the time when your dog might have to go.

Opportunities to Go

Give your dog plenty of opportunities to go outside. You should start in the morning when they first wake up and every hour when they are awake. After they eat and drink water you should let them out to relieve themselves.

Repetition and Cue’s

When dog training repetition is key. Every time you let your dog out use cue’s, say “lets go outside” or something that helps them relate a sound with going to the bathroom.


When house training your dog, accidents are inevitable. When it happens just clean it up and consider adjusting your dog eating schedule. Punishing your dog will only make them wary of you and they may continue to relieve themselves behind your back. If you catch them trying to relieve themselves, stop them, lead them outside and help them find their spot where they usually use the bathroom.

Dog Training could be very simple but it does require a lot of patience. Dogs are our loyal companions and the best thing an owner could give his dog is time.
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What are the Best Toys and Treats for Your Dog

By Stephen Dolan

Keeping your dog entertained is important to his health and wellbeing. Oh, and of course dogs love to play and play and play! Dog toys can help keep your dog fit, healthy and they can also be part of your dogs education when used with treats to help with training.

Not all dog treats are created equal. While every dog enjoys treats you will find that your dog prefers some to others. With so many choices now on the market its not a difficult task to find a dog treat that he prefers. Once youve found the ideal treat you can start to use it as a training tool. That doesnt preclude you giving him a treat because you love him but by treating your dog for good behavior you are re-enforcing positive actions which will become a habit for your dog.

There is a wide variety of dog treats available. Some are sweet, some are hard, some are soft, or crunchy or savory or a combination of these. As with us, your dog will prefer a different type at differnt times. Some things to be aware of if youve chosen a hard or crunchy treat are that its not too hard and that it wont hurt or break your dogs teeth. You may be surprised to find that some treats are designed to clean your dogs teeth and remove that bad dog breath! You will find that as your dog ages his preferences will change too and you should change the treats that you feed him to suit his age.

Be aware that not all dog treats are beneficial. A lot of them have sugar, preservatives or chemicals that are bad for your dog, so always check the label. If you have a dog with allergies youll need to check the labels to find a treat that does not cause allergic reactions and that your dog likes. Your vet may be able to help you in this case.

If you dont locate the perfect dog treat you should think about creating your own. Its not as difficult as you may think, and whole companies have started from a kitchen table and a good recipe. Some ingredients to consider are chicken, rice, carrots and peas. Its fun to do and your dog will appreciate the effort! If youve any left over consider selling them to your local pet store. Many carry small lines of homemade treats. If you need some recipes try searching on the internet, or just invent your own. Once youve made your treats keep them in airtight containers. This not only helps keep them fresh, but also keeps them safe from your dog too!

One of a dogs favorite pastimes is chewing. Most dogs just love to chew! Oh, and chew :-) So dont be surprised that a lot of the dog toys on the market today are focused on chewing. A dog toy that can be chewed provides a benefit for your dogs teeth and supports his natural tendency to chew. This not only helps dental health but is a non destructive and safe outlet for your dogs need to chew.

Before you go and buy a chew toy you need to think about how your dog likes to chew. A canine that chews hard and vigorously will need a stronger toy made out of hard rubber or nylon. Latex and vinyl toys are designed for canines who are lighter chewers. Whichever type your dog is, you will need to keep a watch when hes playing with the toy, especially squeaky toys, to make sure that you can take away the pieces as it falls apart. Some toys can be destroyed in a matter of minutes.

For the moderate or average chewer and for puppies there are dental or flavored chew toys made out of rawhide that can be eaten. These are great, just give it to your dog and let him have at it! Also for puppies there are the plush toys that he can carry around and snuggle up with. Make sure its machine washable though otherwise its going to get really dirty!

For fun you might like to try out a Tricky Treat Ball. This is an entertaining toy that gets filled with treats, usually dry like kibble. You can also try out cheese, carrots or meat cut into small cubes. Put the food into the ball and give it a shake. Then let your dog play with it and the food will fall through the holes in the ball. Your favorite friend will love it!!

You can go even further with this idea. There are gumball machines designed to use treats or dry food for your dog. Just add the food to the machine and let your dog play with the gumball machine.

Its important to keep your dog entertained with good dog toys and treats, and he in turn will keep you entertained for hours!

Steve Dolan is a dog lover and long time dog owner. For more information about dog toys and treats click Dog Toys and Dog Treats, and for more about dog health and keeping your dog happy click Dogs and Puppies Online.

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Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

Late Belfast result

Jills Chico has returned home from his stay in Ireland. Not only did he become an Irish Champion but he finished off his stay by winning his class and taking Best of Breed at Belfast.

Well done Chico!
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Turriff Clatt and Keith Companion Shows

Clatt companion show was held on the same day as Highland open show but didnt do so well with the weather as it poured down there! Lesleys Rommi took the rain in her stride and went BIS.

A companion show was held Monday, the second day of Turriff show. Erica and Dougs Twiglet did very well when she took RBIS.

Keith companion show was held in lovely sunshine and there was a great turn out for it. Morags Gigha won the utility class, Sues Pansy the toy class, Lesleys Merry the terrier class. Erica and Dougs Twiglet won the junior class and Charlotte won the hound class and BIS. Heathers Skye won the gundog class and RBIS.


No photos from Clatt or Turriff Im afraid.

Charlotte and Skye at Keith with judges Les and Rita Walker
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Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

Companion show

Dont forget our companion show at Rosiesle this coming Sunday. All proceeds will be going to PDSA so come along and support a good cause.

There will be pedigree, novelty and obedience classes, something to suit everyone. Refreshments will be available in the hall and a raffle will be held. Any donations for the raffle would be very welcome.

Dogs do not need to be Kennel Club registered but must be 6 months of age or over. Entries will be taken from 11am with judging starting at 12 noon.

Join us for a great day out!
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Bronze awards

Well done to everyone above who passed their Bronze test last night.  Maureens Monty (English Setter) made it on his third attempt! 

Good luck to all the Silver and Golds on Sunday.  Keep practising!

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Dog Training Announcing a Practical Secret to Breakthrough With Housetraining Problems

How to Use A Clicker For Housetraining Problems

Not too long ago I was over a friends house. She was telling me that she could not housetrain her dog and that her dog was starting to bite her. A few minutes later I understood why her dog was having problems and biting her. Another friend came into the house and her dog became very excited. Her dog peed, she immediately picked up the dog and very firmly smacked her. She then tossed her dog into the crate. My friend said, "No matter how much I smack her she still goes in the house."

My question was - if what youre doing is not working why do you keep doing the same thing. We all know that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Her dog was starting to bite her because she was smacking the dog a lot. Any living creature can only handle so much punishment before they start to lash out. The problem with housetraining is that it is not a behavior problem, its a location problem. We just need to teach our dogs the proper location. This is done by clearly communicating to your dog.

A clicker is such a great training tool because it helps you pinpoint the behavior you are trying to teach. When you first start using a clicker you need to teach your dog that the sound of the clicker is followed by a treat.

This is called classical conditioning. You click and then give a treat. You do this over and over until your dog heres the sound of the click and expects a treat. When you first start using the clicker you dont ask your dog to do any command. You just click and treat over and over. Within a short period of time your dog will know the sound of the clicker.

Once your dog understands the sound of the clicker you can start to use it to shape behavior. You have a tool that lets your dog know that they are being rewarded for doing a certain behavior.

It really is an amazing training tool. A lot of dogs get confused about housetraining because they are not rewarded for going in the right place or they dont understand that they are getting the reward for going.
Now you can start to use the clicker to teach your dog where to go. The first step is to manage your dogs behavior. When you cant watch your dog you should put your dog in a crate. Most dogs wont go in the crate. When you can watch your dog keep a close eye on your him. If your dog shows any signs of going quickly bring your dog outside.

Bring your dog outside on leash. Its important that your dog is on leash. You need to be close to your dog to properly communicate to him. As your dog is walking around sniffing the ground getting ready to go start saying, "Get busy," "Get busy," and wait until your dog goes. As soon as your dog starts to go dont say anything.

The second your dog is finished, click and treat your dog. Do this every time you bring your dog out. The important point to remember is that you need to be really consistent. You have to make sure that you are there every time your dog goes outside and you have to make sure you dont give your dog the opportunity to go in the house.

How important is a well trained dog worth to you? Do you want your dog to stop jumping, come when called, walk on leash and more? Eric Letendre created the ultimate, easy to follow dog training ebook "101 Ways To Improve Your Dogs Behavior." Complete with dog training videos, step by step instructions and more. Best of all you can get it free! Get it here =>

Dog Housebreaking
Dog Housebreaking
Fight a DUI
DUI Defense
Obedience Training
Dog Housetraining
Dog Obedience
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North of Scotland Toydog Society

The North of Scotland Toydog Society held their first group open show of the year in the usual venue of Arbroath community centre on Sunday, 2nd May.

It was a particularly successful day for Jill and the Chins, not only did puppy Cracker win his class and BPIB but Tiger won his class, BOB and topped it off with Best in Show! Congratulations! Jills husband Bill hasnt been too well of late so it was great to see him back at the ringside and how nice that he was there to see Tiger take top spot.

There were a number of other wins. Sues Rosa won her class. Rias Jasper won his and also took BOB. Elizabeth and George had BOB and BPIB with their Bolognese but Im not sure which of their dogs were the winners (further details would be appreciated).

Apologies for the quality of the photos, the halls lighting is not the best.

Best of breed Bolognese

Align Center
Jasper in the line up for BIS

Best Puppy in Breed

Tiger is awarded BIS


A slightly better photo of Tiger
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