
Sabtu, 30 April 2016

Must Have Tips And Tricks For Effective Dog Training

Dogs have a similar mindset regardless of size. If this is not taken into account when training, the sessions will not be effective. This article will shed some light on how dogs think for anyone who is a little clueless in this arena.

If you find yourself overwhelmed, get some help. If you are not seeing the kind of results you would like, it may be time to call in reinforcements. A professional trainer can understand what is incorrect with the training and can help you correct it.

Give your puppy time to be okay with a crate by taking the training one small step at a time. Once your dog seems to have acclimated to the crate itself, close the gate and feeding him through it. Start off small, like 10 seconds at a time, and slowly move up the times. If the dog shows signs of distress, you may be progressing too quickly.

Dogs generally focus on one thing while ignoring everything around them, unless something interrupts that intense focus. If you get your dog to focus on you, it will help his behavior.

Your puppy may need obedience classes so that it can listen to you. Instructors can help you teach your dog tricks, to listen to your commands, and to behave appropriately.

The best way to prevent your new pup from chewing on things when you are not home is to place the dog outside when you leave. When this isnt possible, you want to provide things that both appeal to your dog and that are okay for the dog to chew on. Establishing acceptable chews toys is also about keeping those things you do not want your dog to chew up behind closed doors or well out out of reach.

Do not tie more than one dog in the same area. Their chains could get tangled up and as they struggle to get free; there is a good chance the dogs can get injured. In the case that a large dog and small dog become entangled, the large dogs rope or chain could cut off air circulation to the small dog, and it could be severely injured or die.

Training is an ongoing process - your dog needs to be constantly reminded of the rules! A lot of owners will train their dogs once and not conduct any refreshers. Dogs are much like humans, in the sense that they share the same habitual learning system. Your dog must follow the rule system strictly.

Determine in advance what types of food your dog likes so that you can use it in the training process. Rewarding him with his favorite treat will be much more satisfying and motivate him to better performance in training. Make note of your dogs reaction when the reward is offered.

Keep your sessions short to accommodate a short attention span. It is possible that your dog will lose interest if it is made to do the same thing over and over. Try to keep the initial sessions limited to about 10 minutes.

When you are trying to break your dog from chewing, do it the right way. Additionally, make sure there is nothing that can pose as a threat to your chewing canine. Some household items can be harmful to your dog if they are chewed upon.

Any issues you are having should not affect your relationship with your dog. If your dog has not misbehaved, you should treat him warmly.

Watch the tone you use when you discipline your dog. Dogs are in tune with human emotions and pick much of that up from your voice. It is okay to be appropriately stern.

Communication is the key to training your dog. You need to be consistent and be clear with what you expect from your dog. This especially applies to your verbal and nonverbal interactions, but the rewards you give and the corrections you make should be consistent, too. Dont forget to figure out what your dog is communicating as well. When you look closely, you will be able to tell whether your dog is still receptive to training or getting too tired to continue.

Dogs learn well through a reward system that incorportates repetitive techniques. Show your dog what you want him to do, then start a routine and as the dog practices, reward him. Your dog will then correctly learn the way to do a trick. Repetition with rewards is the only way to properly train a dog.

One of the most important things a pet owner can do to train his or her dog is to understand the way dogs think. Training programs that make use of such insight, along with thorough preparation, tend to be highly successful. Once someone knows a bit more about dogs, training becomes easier and more likely to work.
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East of England Champ Show

I dont think many of us northerners made the journey all the way down to Peterborough for East of England last weekend. Intrepid Katie was one who did and Lara won her Graduate Bitch class and took 2nd in Yearling Bitch.

Well done!
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Dog training tip

Want your dog to sneeze on command?
Simply have some pepper in your hand for your doggy to sniff (not too much - we dont want to hurt the poor fella).
When he smells it he will most likely sneeze, when he does then say "sneeze" and praise the dog.
After a few sessions you can try without the pepper to see if the dog has learnt the command. If not continue going with the pepper for a few more weeks.
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Training Your Dog

Training a dog can be frustrating, rewarding, and sometimes painful. But without proper training, it can be very hard to have a great relationship with your dog. No one likes a dog that is always intimidating company or that chews up your items.

Dog Training is not a walk in the park. It is very demanding, but it doesnt have to be a miserable experience. Many trainers use different training styles. Two of the most common training styles are Leash and Collar training and Reward training. Leash and Collar is more commonly used as it originated with the training of military dogs. Reward training is considered the more modern technique.

Small things are important when training a dog. You must remain the dominant one in your relationship. Eye contact is very important.

"Your dog cant learn if he isnt paying attention! Make sure any stimulus is strong enough to get him to give you eye contact. Working with signals only is a good way to teach your dog to keep one eye on you at all times."


It is a shame to see people get rid of a dog because they lack the patience to train it. A dog knows no better. I have personally had training issues. Although it was very discouraging, I continued to mentor my dog. Now, about 2 years later, my dogs are loved throughout the neighborhood. It is a great feeling to achieve and it makes all the work worth it.

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Westie Club

Caitlin had a busy time at the recent West Highland White Terrier Club Open Show in Polmont. Solo was 2nd in his puppy class, 1st in Junior and 1st in Special Beginners and Caitlin also handled the eventual Reserve Best In Show winner.

Well done Caitlin and Solo, all good practice for SKC!

Caitlin with Incheril Brigetta - RBIS
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Agility Dog Training And Pit Bull Terriers

Spending time training your Pit Bull can be very rewarding and fun for you both. It helps build a stronger bond between dog and owner that is important for the happiness of both parties. There are many different types of training that you can choose to do with your Pit Bull, one such is agility training.

Agility training is the process of teaching your dog to successfully navigate an obstacle course. If the training is successful, your pet should be able to do it by only listening to and obeying your commands. During an event, the dogs are timed and to win must not make any mistakes and must have the fastest time. It takes a lot of practice for a dog to be successful at this, but can be quite fun for both dog and trainer. This activity is especially good for Pit Bulls because it gives them a good outlet for all the extra energy they seem to have.

Most experts recommend not starting agility training until your dog is at least one year old, at least not to enter in a competition before that age. Many owners who train their dogs to participate in these events will purchase their own equipment to have at home, so that they can begin training the dog at an earlier age. Agility training equipment can be quite expensive, so some trainers prefer to build their own equipment. Instructions can be found online and in books that should be available either in your local library or bookstore. Owners should be careful to watch the dog for any signs of injury, because occasionally working on agility training while the puppy is still growing will put a lot of strain on joints and bones that are not fully conditioned yet. It is recommended to have your dog cleared by a veterinarian before beginning any type of agility training.

The dog should also understand and obey basic commands before beginning any other type of training. Any type of training helps dog and owner to build a better relationship with each other, allowing them to work better and better together as time goes on. You should also work through any behavior or aggression issues your Pit Bull may have before considering agility training. The results will be less satisfactory and take longer to achieve if the dog is also working through other issues.

Most Pit Bull owners that are serious about their dog competing in agility competitions will enroll him in a training class, at least to help teach him the basics, then work with the dog on their own to enhance what he has learned. Being in a class will also help your dog work on his socialization, which will make him behave better around other dogs. Pit Bulls tend to want to fight when around other dogs, especially those of the same gender.

The most important thing to remember is no matter what type of training you do with your Pit Bull, you both should enjoy it. Spending time together will help build a better bond, leading to a lasting relationship. Whether you want your dog to compete or not, the benefits for both you and the dog are many.

About the author:

To learn all about Pit Bull puppies and training a Pit Bull terrier, visit today.

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Club donations

Spey Valley DTC is not run for profit and we do support a variety of charities. This year the club has given the following donations:

£500 to PDSA

£100 to Keith Grammar School

£250 to Mrs Murrays Home for Cats and Dogs

£100 to Keith Sports Trust

£500 to Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

£250 to DAWGS

£250 to Willows Animal Sanctuary
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Jumat, 29 April 2016

Dog training courses

Your Dog Is Listening - Your Just Not Speaking The Right Language

All dogs no matter how big or small have the same kind of mindset to them. If a person understands that mindset one should not have any problem training whatever kind of dog they choose to get. If one does not understand that mindset then they are in luck because they are about to get some insight.

As you plan out your dog training sessions, focus on only teaching your pet one new skill at a time.  Too many instructions and expectations can cause your dog to become confused and frustrated.  You will achieve much better results if you work on one skill, achieve mastery and then move on.

Learn how to read your dogs body language for a better dog training experience. Once you have found out what certain behaviors are signifying, you will have the knowledge to unlock hidden doors. You will be able to tell if they are tired, distracted by something else, or are in the perfect mood to learn. This provides you with a very great advantage.

Set a routine as much as possible when training your dog. Dogs respond well to regular activities such as exercise or bathroom breaks, so putting them on a routine encourages good behavior. Feed your dog at the same time each day to further establish a routine, and be as consistent as possible.

When you train your dog, you dont have to train him to do exactly what your training book or video says he should do; however, you must train him to behave in a way that will fit in well with your family. You must train him in such a way that you can take him for a walk or to the vet without a lot of drama. By determining exactly what sort of behavior you need from your dog and then working consistently to attain that behavior, you will support your dog in having a happier and more successful life.

To teach your dog to lie down, have him start in a sit position. Take a treat, and place your hand on the ground. Slowly drag it away from your dog. Your dog should initially lower his nose to the ground, and then lie down as he tries to follow the treat further away. If he stands up instead of lying down, have him restart from the sit position. Make sure to praise him once he lies down.

When correcting bad behavior that your dog displays, you should always make sure that your corrections are short and well-defined. If your corrections are vague, your dog will not understand how to improve its bad behavior. This will frustrate both you and your pet. If your corrections are clear and easily understood, your dog is likely to make the correction.

Understanding the way a dog thinks and the way that they process information can be the important step in training a dog. By having this knowledge an individual can train their dog in the most effective way possible. Now that one knows a little more about their dog they can give it better training.
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Bronze test night

The Bronze class will be taking a test tonight so there will be no top class.  Ringcraft and puppies will go ahead as normal.

8pm start for the test, dont forget your brushes, poo bags, collars and id tags!
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Clicker Dog Training

The newest dog training craze is clicker dog training. A clicker is a small rectangular plastic box with a metal button on top that clicks, hence the name clicker. It’s the type of training that the dog decides whether or not it suits him. There have been a lot of success stories with clickers, but with my dog he just didn’t want to know!

Researchers in dog studies believe that the clicker promotes enforced training, without punishment! As we all know when we do something good and get rewarded for it we are going to do the same again, a dog thinks the same way. Dogs learn through consequences, if they do something and it earns them a treat and praise they are going to want to do it again because they like this consequence. If they do something that you don’t like and they get ignored or said no to in a strict voice they know that they aren’t going to get any treats so are not going to do it again.

Clicker dog training works in such a way it reinforces good behaviour. If your dog sits, click and give him a treat. The next time he sits do the same but don’t say anything to him. He will soon realise that when he sits he will get a treat and hear a click, so when you eventually come to click before he sits he knows to sit. Its not all that confusing when you think about it.

Punishment is not used with clicker dog training as researchers believe that although punishment does stop some bad behaviour it may also create another unwanted behaviour. Punishment is almost always carried out after the dog has done something wrong so dogs see punishment as a random consequence therefore punishment doesn’t really solve anything.

Clicker dog training is not only used or dogs! It is widely used for other animals such as dolphins and horses. It is a widely practiced training method and does produce results; if carried out properly.
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Dog Training The Things You Must Never Do With Your Dog

Dont you ever notice that there is always something telling you what to do with your dog? they always seem to know exactly what you can and cant do with your dog, like they are experts at dog training.

For example, many dog trainers have told me to never play tugs of war with any of my dogs. I am not sure why but that is what the experts have told me to no do. Go figure.

Another thing that multiple people have told me is that sleeping with your dog on your bed is a really bad idea. Also, people tell me that dogs should be never fed people food like hamburgers or rice. I am not sure the reasoning behind this either but thats OK.

There are so many things that people say I should NEVER do with my dog. I could practically write a whole book about it if I wanted to (and if I was bored enough). To tell you the truth though, I have found that playing games like tug of war with my dog is a good thing. Its like playing around kids except its with your rowdy dog. Weird huh?

Also, I have let my dogs sleep with me many times and it hasnt made them any less tame. In fact, my dogs seem to be even more obedient when I let them sleep with me. And anyhow, who wouldnt want to hang out with their dog? Sounds like a good idea to me.

The important things is that every dog is completely different (some more than others). Every owner is different as well. Every household is pretty different. If your dog understands who is in charge (you), then there really should not be a problem with letting it sleep on the bed with you or play tug of war. Its all about obedience and trust.

In my place, I kind of let my dogs do what they want. I dont completely advocate this but it works for them and me. I can let them sleep with me or lay on the couch and its not like the world comes to an end. If I tell them to do something, they do it. No questions asked. Of course, dogs cant ask questions but thats beside the point.

They dont disobey my orders. They dont try and defend the couch from me or anyone else. They follow what I say and are happy with it. If my dogs ever did growl or defend the couch, then I would take that privilege away from them until they learned their lesson.

The best way to get your dog to get off the bed or couch is to just tell them "OFF". If he ignores you then maybe you should start using a leash or something so you can pull them away. Just give a small tug on its leash.

This is all important for dog training. If you really want to know how to train your dog properly and efficiently then go to this website: to learn how you can personally train your dog the right way. Click here now.

Check Out this article, that will help you
put an end to your dogs bad behaviour.
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Keep dog in practice

There are many different things a dog can be trained to do. While certain dogs are trained for hunting or protection, others are just trained for their owners convenience. Dogs love to make their owners happy. This is one of reasons they are known as mans best friend. This article will help you with effective ways to train your dog whatever the reason.

The best way to teach a dog good behavior is to never let poor behavior take hold. Dogs find it much harder to break existing bad habits than to learn new, positive ones. For instance, a dog that is never fed table scraps is less likely to beg at the table.

 Dogs should always feel safe and secure while training them. When a dog is insecure about their safety, they could lash out with bad behavior. So this doesnt happen, make sure your dog is always safe.

 Stay with the training, so that he doesnt forget the lessons that he learned. Keep him in practice. A lot of times owners thing training is a one time event. You can encourage your dog to adopt good habits. That is why it is vital to ensure your dog maintains a strict rule system.

 Make sure your dog feels safe to train them properly. If a dog feels unsafe, they are likely to show bad behavior. To prevent this from happening, always make sure your dog is in a comfortable, safe area.

 Communication is one essential thing to consider when training your dog. You must give consistent and clear signals when you training your dog. This includes not only using the same commands, but also maintaining consistent body language and keeping rewards and corrections the same. Pay attention to your dogs communication towards you, too. Pay attention to these signals because hes trying to tell you that everything is either going well or not so well.

 You do not want to use wee-wee pads when potty training your dog. The pads eventually leak; leaked waste marks certain areas in the house as "potty areas". Wee-wee pads can also train your dog to think that other items that are the same shape are a potty area as well. The best way to housebreak a dog is not to allow them to use the bathroom in the house; there is really no alternative.

 Depending on the personalities of your dogs, it may not be possible to train them at the same time. Dogs have the tendency to distract each other. If you find this happening it is likely best to separate them.

 Keep count of the number of treats you feed your dog because you do not want him or her to get fat. It is easy to forget about treats when you consider how much you are feeding your dog. This can happen especially when you are training him.

 When training a dog, watch that you do not overdo giving the dog treats. Too many treats can really plump a dog up. It is easy to forget about treats when you consider how much you are feeding your dog. This can happen especially when you are training him.

 Using wee-wee pads is actually counter productive when you are potty training your new puppy. The problem with the wee-wee pads is that they leak and leave enzymes from urine and feces behind. Potty pads can also mislead your dog into thinking that similarly shaped items throughout your home, like rugs, are appropriate places to go. The best option is to toilet train your dog outdoors.

 Give them chew toys for pain relief while teething, and keep everything else out of reach. Immediately replace the object with one of the intended chew toys. If your puppy needs to chew because he is teething, try a frozen washcloth.

 Try not to take your stress out on your dog by yelling at it because of your bad day or bad mood. Unless your dog has done something that warrants scolding, you should always take on a positive tone during your interactions.

 When your dog reaches six months, make sure that your dog is spayed or neutered. This should coincide with the beginning of obedience classes. A dog that has been spayed or neutered will be a more obedient dog. You and your pet will enjoy a longer and happier life together.

 Try to ensure that your animal feels safe. If dogs feel unsafe, they will likely lash out in some type of bad behavior. To prevent any aggressive behaviors, ensure you dog is in surroundings and situations where he feels safe.

 Over-training your puppy will expose it to too much at once, rendering the training less effective. Brief, simple, positive training sessions are well-suited to the limited supply of energy and attention a pup has to work with. If you try to do too much, the puppy will probably not remember much except that it was an unpleasant experience, and that will make it more difficult when the time comes for the next training session.

 Limit the duration of training sessions. It is possible that your dog will lose interest if it is made to do the same thing over and over. Do not spend more than 10 minutes on each session.

 If your puppy is caught chewing on something unacceptable, stop him immediately. This will help your puppy understand what is acceptable and what is off limits.

 Do not tie a couple of dogs closely together. The dogs could get wrapped up and they may be injured. If one dog happens to be much larger than the other, the small dog could get tangled to the point that it could choke to death.

 A clicker works well when training most dogs. Using a clicker is as simple as showing your dog that good things happen when the clicking noise is heard. Try using this technique right away, doing it frequently over a span of a few days. Your dog will soon know that the clicking noise means that they are doing a good job.

 You need to understand the way your dog thinks and reacts before you can really comprehend why they are doing certain things. If your dog doesnt understand you, then how can he learn from you? One can provide your dog with better training now that one knows more about their dog..
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Kamis, 28 April 2016

Buying Pet Health Insurance For Cat Or Dog Peace Of Mind

By Craig Thornburrow

Cats are a very individual minded animal. In other words, cats do for cats and are not mentally hardwired to follow a leader in the same manner that a dog will. That is why a cat will probably want to forgo the need to acquire proper cat insurance. Now, while cats are notoriously single-minded, human beings should know better. Human owners who love their cats should go the extra length and acquire the proper pet health insurance for cat so as to provide a financial blanket to cover a major procedure in case a pet cat requires such help.

Some may not see the need for cat insurance if the cat is an indoors cat. After all, all the major problems that a pet cat could face derive from an unfortunate incident that might occur outside the safety of the cats (well, your) home. Unfortunately, common things such as aging can result in medical and dental problems that can prove virtually catastrophic. And remember, such events can occur without any trauma presented to the animal or in conjunction with any out or normal circumstance.

It is not uncommon for a cat to develop bad breath. Sometimes, the halitosis will be so severe that the cats owner decides to take the pet to the vet to have a little dental cleaning performed. It shouldnt be that big of a problem, should it? After all, a little dental cleaning certainly wont cost that much. Well, if all that is required is a little dental cleaning, then there will not be much of a cost.

But what happens if the cat has developed a severe cavity that needs to be pulled? What it there are two or three cavities? What if there is the presence of gum disease that may lead to a life threatening infection? What if a blood test is required in order to gauge the severity of the potential infection? All of a sudden, a $50 visit to the vet has expanded into a major procedure that can cost upwards of $500. Pet health insurance for cat is the answer.

If that cautionary tale did not provide proper impetus for motivation to purchasing proper cat insurance, nothing will. Well, actually, there can be a whole host of cautionary tales provided that would hopefully motivate people into purchasing cat insurance. The common thread behind of these cautionary tales is the moral of the story: accidents and problems can occur at any time.

Therefore, it is always wise to have the precaution of a proper cat insurance policy in place so as to financially cover any catastrophe that might occur. Pet health insurance for cat can be acquired from a quality insurance issuer and is usually quite affordable. Furthermore, the coverage can be quite extensive and all encompassing.

Craig Thornburrow is an acknowledged expert in his field. You can get more free advice on dog insurance and cat insurance at

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Rabu, 27 April 2016

Benefits and drawbacks of Dog Training Collars

Dog Training Collars can be found in plenty of styles and a lot of functions. There are collars that shock whenever your dog barks. There are the invisible fencing collars that keep the dog in a invisible boundary. There are halters to fix walking issues, choke chains for that more aggressive dogs, and much more. The kind of dog collars that people are targeting listed here are the electronic ones. These often use shock, or noise, or perhaps a smell spritz to discourage a dogs behavior.

Shock collars for invisible fencing appear to be typically the most popular dog training collar theres. There are several benefits. To buy a invisible fencing product is cheaper generally than obtaining a fence built. Youre almost guaranteed that you may have the behaviour you would like, your dog doesnt desire to be shocked. The barking collars are identical, itll probably work, or at best lower the amount and shorten the amount of the bark. So for the short term, yes they are effective for several behaviors.

The drawbacks are much more compared to benefits. With one of these collars, you have to spend initial time showing them in which the boundaries are by forcing them them over. This really is deemed by many to become cruel and inhumane. Also, barking collars are deemed exactly the same because dogs bark, thats the way they communicate. Can you desire a shock any time you talked? For fence dog training collars youre keeping them in, but how about dangers that should be kept out? Also, when there is something they want thats a stronger pull compared to shock, they are able to overrun their boundaries. After they learn that, theres usually no return.

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Ringcraft rota

26th October.................................Daveena and Helen

2nd November............................Sue and Morag

9th November..........................Joan and Joanne

16th November..........................Karen and Katie

23rd November...........................Jenny and Elizabeth

30th November.................................Mary and June (Last training night)

7th December...............................Christmas party

14th December...............................Good Citizen test night

25th January 2011...............................TBA
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Dogs With Skin Or Digestive Problems Require Enzyme Support

By Janie Knetzer

Your dogs diet can have a great impact on a variety of factorsin his health. A dog that is not receiving adequate nutritionfrom his diet can be prone to gas, flatulence, lack of energyand skin problems.

The dogs coat may become dull and, if he is a working dog, hisperformance may be affected. This is due, in great part to avariance that many dog owners have imposed on dogs when theydomesticated them. In essence, it is a nutritional deficiencythat, though unintentional, can lead to health and digestiveissues.

In many cases, digestive enzymes for dogs can correct orsubstantially reduce the problems. Enzymes are substances foundin the body that have the ability to induce chemical reactionsor accelerate these processes. Enzymes are broken down into twoparts, one is a protein called apoenzyme and the other is anon-protein. The non-protein can either be a coenzyme orcofactor.
Every cell in every plant and animal contains enzymes. Theyregulate biochemical reactions that aid the system and sustainlife. When the delicate balance of the bodys digestive systemis upset, various undesirable reactions can result.

Enzymes can bring balance, but if they are not presentnaturally in the diet then supplements must be introduced. Asupplement can reduce or even eliminate the undesirable sideeffects of an improper diet in a dog. Gas and flatulence, skinproblems and lack of energy can be turned around and the dogscoat will be shinier.

Dog digestive problems are common even in dogs whose ownersfeed them top of the line dog food. The problem stems from theprocessed diets that most domestic dogs are provided. A dog isnot equipped to digest this type of diet because kibble lacksthe necessary dog digestive enzymes his body needs.

Wild canines, such as wolves, exist on a raw diet. In theirnatural environment, wolves will kill their prey and consume theorgans first. The organs contain the vitamins and nutrientsthat the wolf needs and it is these vitamins and nutrients thatboost their system, aiding in digestion.

A domesticated dog does not have access to animal organs fromprey or a raw diet, so their body requires an enzyme supplementfor proper digestion and a healthy system. A dog is naturallydesigned to consume raw prey. However, with domestication, manhas imposed a diet of kibble which is more convenient and costeffective, but the dog is paying a heavy price because his dietis nutritionally lacking.

In such cases, enzymes for dogs are necessary to provide whatthe dogs diet is lacking. This is true for dogs of all agesand especially important for senior dogs. However, when a dogis started on digestive enzymes as a young dog, it will givegreater assurance to the owner that the dog will be healthier asit ages.

Its never too late to start providing your best friend with anenzyme supplement for dogs.
About the Author: Janie is an avid dog lover with over twentyfive years of dog care and handling experience. She has writtennumerous articles on dog skin, nutrition and care.



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Dog Training Using Electronic Collars

If youre having problems dog training using conventional positive feedback methods, you might want to think about using a digital dog training collar. The very first electronic dog training collars arrived on the scene about 20 or 3 decades ago. They were too powerful for use on smaller dogs and did not have shock level adjustments. Professionals used these phones train hunting dogs, typically. But modern electronic collars offer far better control and safety. Provided they are utilised properly, modern electronic dog training collars may be used effectively on just about any dog. There are two basic types of modern electronic dog training collars; the bark collar and also the beeper collar.

A bark collar, as the name implies, can be used to manage your dogs barking. The idea is that if your pet starts barking, the collar will trigger an electric shock with the collar for your dogs neck. Hopefully this stops the barking. The collar works automatically, regardless if you are there or otherwise, to help you have confidence your dogs barking has been controlled constantly, nite and day. Another advantage using this type of collar may be the behavior feedback for your dog is immediate. It isnt unusual for any pet owner in the future home from work and discover the neighbors up in arms concerning the dogs barking. But with no bark collar it might be past too far to show your pet that what he did is wrong.

Your dog cant associate your anger using the barking he did Three or four hours ago. For probably the most part, your pet can wear a bark dog training collar constantly. You still need to take time to charge the battery again within the shock unit, however, you virtually have total 24-hour-a-day control in your dogs barking. Bark collars are usually the lowest priced kind of electronic dog training collars. Except for that wall charger, things are all-in-one unit. The microphone to get barking noises out of your dog and also the shock box with level adjustment are generally attached straight to the collar. The electrical shock is sent to your dogs neck via a set of metal electrodes which are on the within the collar. You usually can get electrodes in a number of different lengths to be perfect for the thickness of the dogs fur.

Beeper collars are manually controlled utilizing a remote transmitter. They are usually more costly and complicated when compared with bark collars simply because they incorporate a separate, handheld radio transmitter that sends an indication to some radio receiver on the dog training collar. They possess the benefit of letting you control not only your dogs barking. If, for instance, your pet jumps on people this kind collar could be the perfect means to fix let your pet learn about his bad behavior. Obviously, the disadvantage with this particular collar is that you simply need to be there using the transmitter inside your hand all the time and push the button at the right time.

Of course a large danger when utilizing a digital dog training collar is setting the shock level excessive. You would like to get your dogs attention using the shock and control their behavior. But clearly you wouldnt want your pet in excruciating pain each time the collar is triggered. It is essential to make use of the cheapest possible shock setting that has got the job done. If your pet is yelping in pain, or panics once the shock collar triggers, then your setting is actually excessive and requires to become lowered.

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To Train or Not To Train

I often hear others speak about training as if its not something that they do with their dogs everyday. "Its too time-consuming" or "I cant find a good trainer in my area" or "I dont want to have to turn the dog over to a stranger for a few months to get him trained. are all excuses I hear everyday! I often chuckle because, know it or not, these people are training their dogs, whether they realize it or not!!! Yes, like children, your dogs eyes and ears are on you at all times, studying your every move and expression. It only takes one time for you to say, "No", but allow the malevolent behavior for your dog to learn that "No" definately is something negotiable at your house.

So, if training is a hot shot trainer to you, remember, YOU are your dogs best trainer. If you say "No", but allow the behavior, the dog learns that "No" means go ahead and test.

So, remember, if you give your dog a command, follow through - EVERY TIME!!! If you dont, you are teaching your dog that your commands are negotiable and you are NOT the pack leader!!!

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Juniors at Richmond

Caitlin and Glenn both qualified for the Junior Handling semi-finals, which are held at Richmond Champ show, Guildford. This was a first trip down there for both of them and it turned out to be a very successful one for Caitlin when she was placed 4th in her class. Well done to you both on qualifying and congratulations on your place Caitlin!

It was to be a busy weekend for the Forbes family, straight after Richmond they headed back north for the long drive up to Lochaber!

Caitlin with Solo and Glenn with Poppy
Richmond 2010
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Dog Health Eye How to Recognize and Prevent Common Eye Problems

By Nicki Howell

Protecting and caring for your dogs eyes is an important part of canine care. Often we dont really think about it until something goes wrong. Read on to learn about recognizing and preventing common dog eye problems.

Common Dog Eye Problems.

When a dog has an eye problem, it is often very noticeable that something is wrong. Its always wise to consult your vet if you suspect a problem. Weve included several common dog health eye problems:

• Infection - If you see suspicious discharge from your dogs eye, he may have an infection.

• Lumps on the eye - sometimes these are cysts, but you should consult with your vet to be sure.

• Entropion - folding of an eyelid where lid hairs contact the cornea

• Cherry Eye - prolapsed gland of the third eyelid

• Ectopic Cilia - an abnormal eyelash that is usually very painful and almost always causes an ulcer.

• Dermoid - congenital defect where haired skin is located in an abnormal place on an eye and will often irritate the cornea and can cause ulcers.

• Cataracts - contact your veterinarian to make this diagnosis.

• Follicular Conjunctivitis - itchy, tearing, squinting can be related to allergies.

• Dry Eye - Typically occurs when there is a lack of production of tears.

Keeping your Dogs Eyes Healthy .

There are a few simple steps you can take to keep your dogs eyes healthy.

• Keep shampoo out of your dogs eyes when washing

• Watch the toys you play with dog (no throwing sticks)

• Keep the hair around your dogs eyes trimmed, but be very careful when trimming.

• If your dog has a foreign object in his eye, it should be removed by your vet. If your dog struggles with you when youre trying to remove, further injury could occur.

For more information, visit
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Dealing with Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety, also known in the dog training world as owner absent misbehavior, is one of the most frequently encountered problems in the world of dog training. Separation anxiety can manifest itself in many different ways, including chewing, destroying the owners property, excessive barking, self destructive behavior and inappropriate urination and defecation.

Dogs suffering from separation anxiety often whine, bark, cry, howl, dig, chew and scratch at the door the entire time their family members are away. Well meaning owners often unwittingly encourage this misbehavior by rushing home to reassure the dog, but it is important for the well being of both dog and owner that the dog learn to deal with extended periods of separation.

How the owner leaves the house can often contribute to separation anxiety issues. A long and drawn out period of farewell can make matters worse by making the dog feel even more isolated when the owner finally leaves. These long types of farewells can get the dog excited, and then leave him with lots of excess energy and no way to work it off.

These excited, isolated dogs often work off their excess energy in the most destructive of ways, such as chewing up a favorite rug or piece of furniture.
Excess energy is often mistaken for separation anxiety, since results are often the same. If you think that excess amounts of energy may be the problem, try giving your dog more exercise to see if that eliminates the problem.

If separation anxiety is truly the problem, it is important to address the root causes of that anxiety. In order to prevent separation anxiety from occurring, it is important for the dog to feel happy, safe, secure and comfortable while the owner is away for the day. It is important, for instance, to give the dog plenty of things to keep it busy while you are away. This means providing it with lots of toys, such as balls or chew toys.

A pet companion is often effective at relieving separation anxiety as well. Giving the dog a playmate, such as another dog or a cat, is a great way for busy pet parents and pets alike to cope with the stress of being left alone.

Setting aside scheduled play times, during which the pet is given your undivided attention, is another great way to alleviate boredom and separation anxiety. Playing with the dog, and providing it with sufficient attention and exercise, is a proven way to avoid a stressed and anxious dog. A happy dog that has been well exercised and well conditioned will generally sleep the day away happily and patiently wait for the return of its owner.

It is important to schedule one of these daily play sessions before you leave the house each day. It is important to give the dog a few minutes to settle down after playtime before you leave. For dogs that are already experiencing separation anxiety and associated misbehaviors, it is important to get him accustomed to your leaving gradually. Be sure to practice leaving and returning at irregular intervals, several times during the day. Doing so will get your dog accustomed to your deparartures and help him realize that you are not leaving him forever.

Dogs that have been previously lost, or those that have been surrendered to shelters and readopted, often have the worst problems with separation anxiety. Part of treating this problem is teaching the dog that your leaving is not permanent.

Training your dog not to pull on the leash will be posted next.
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House Breaking For The New Dog Owner

Puppies are so cute; everybody loves them. They are curious, fun, playful and cuddley and we tend to love every part of having a new puppy until they go potty in the house and then we have to deal with the biggest problem and difficulty of owning a new puppy, puppy house training.

The most crucial thing to remind yourself of and to be wary of is that your puppy is still just a baby. He does not yet have the ability to control his potty habits or to know what you are wanting him to do when you tell him to go potty. You will need to have patience and work with him closely for a few weeks before he develops the capability to alert you when it is time to go out and to control his bladder and other functions.

At the beginning you may need to take your puppy outside as much as 2 to 3 times per hour. That may sound like a lot but a tiny puppy does not yet understand how to control himself and the active playing that most puppies do creates urine. Nighttime may be better as a relaxed puppy will not need to go out as often. Do not wake a sleeping puppy just to go outside but rather just make sure and take him out as soon as possible after he wakes up.

The most crucial part to puppy house training is to be consistent. Use consistent commands, take him to the same spot and give him consistent praise and treats. Your puppy will learn fast if you consistently do things the same way but change anything up and he will get confused. Puppies respond well to consistency.

After your puppy completes his elimination chore reward him with abundant praise and treats. Try to make the puppy house training experience as positive as as you can for your puppy. If you are impatient or mean to your puppy as he is acquiring this knowledge of puppy house training your efforts will take longer as he will become fearful of not knowing what is expected of him.

Using a crate will assist you in your puppy house training when you need to be away from your puppy. Dogs naturally try to keep their own space clean so a crate will help your puppy to learn how to control himself. Dogs are also natural den animals so they like having a small home of their own.

Consistency is the most crucial part of puppy house training. Make sure that you use a consistent command and take him to the same spot every outing so that there is no confusion on his part. Making the experience a positive one for him will also help him to learn quicker and you will be finished with your puppy house training sooner.

In a just a few weeks your puppy house training will be over and you will no longer have to be concerned about accidents in the house. Puppy house training is the most crucial aspect of having a new puppy but it can be much simpler than you expect if you are consistent and positive.

Mike Jones is a devoted dog lover who teaches dog obedience training. If you are interested in the best house training methods for your puppy, then check out the articles by this professional dog-trainer.
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Good Citizen passes

Back in December we had our usual Good Citizen test night. Well done to everyone who passed...all that practising paid off!



Gigha missed the photo for Silver but Morags chuffed with her pass!

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Selasa, 26 April 2016

Doing it the French way

Linda Offen has sent in this interesting article on just how difficult it is to make up a French Champion. And we thought we had it hard!

"As I seem to have "been in dogs" for at least a century, you will appreciate that I have got to know a lot of people in a variety of breeds over the years. One of them is a lovely lady by the name of Avril Lacey. When I first met her in the late 1970s she was well known for her "Weetoneon" Afghan Hounds but then became just as famous for her Hungarian Pulis, which breed she is synonymous with today. She still has one Afghan and, in fact, judged that breed as well as Pulis at WELKS this year. She has also judged both breeds at Crufts. Along the way she also owned Komondors, which always seemed to take over the whole of the hall when she brought them to training classes!
A few years ago Avril and her partner Stan decided to decamp to France (sensible couple!) together with all the dogs. She still travels to the UK to attend Championship shows but, as expected, has also managed to make up some of her stock to French Champions. This process, I have discovered, is very different from what now appears to be an almost relaxed approach in the UK to making up a Champion. The process was explained recently by Avril in the canine press where she writes the Puli breed notes, and I have reproduced it here to give an insight into what dogs and owners ha
ve to go through following gaining the necessary show wins.

I have also included a photo of Avril in the pastoral group ring at Crufts 2010 with her latest Champion Puli who, I hope you will agree, is a worthy title holder.

I hope you find the article interesting - dont let it put you off exhibiting or even living in France!!"



Gaining a French Ch title is different to the UK. You have to apply to the French KC to claim the title and it takes quite some time to be confirmed, as there are several items to check. You have to submit the CACs that have been won at both National and International Shows, plus one won at a Speciality National Show, and also one won either at The Club National Show (CBEI) or at the Championnatt de France. You also have to provide hip score certification (top scores only), eye tests (pass) and the TAN test certificate (temperament test). This test is held the day before the Clubs annual Championship Show, where over 350 dogs from Groups 1 and 2 take this test. This test is mandatory, as are the other previously mentioned items, to become a Champion. The TAN test now includes a Gun Test (previously Group 2 only). The TAN test is for correct social behaviour with individuals, in crowds, and with other dogs, reactions in unusual situations, trust and obeying the handler, e.g. in one part, handler and dog have to jump over a series of tapes placed across side to side (approximately 12" high) between an avenue of barriers approximately 4 wide apart and for a length of about 6 metres. If a dog tries to crawl under, it is failed. It is a long day but worthwhile, and interesting to see all the various breeds and their reactions. The breeds one thinks would be the boldest sadly sometimes fail.

Thanks for sharing this with us Linda!

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Guide Dogs Need For A Harness

The other day a friend was telling me how he saw this dog who was assisting a blind lady. The guide dog got distracted and those around him wanted to play with him, but the owner pulled his leash abruptly. He thought that was rude and abusive. I explained to him that dogs who assist the blind should not be distracted. The guide dogs that assist the blind are trained with a dog harness and leash. Several people are involved in the training of the blind dog guides. Their training is vigorous and detailed. The dog must be aware of his destination and how to get there without any incident for his owner.

Blind people have to have total faith in their dogs. They do love their dogs, and exercise them and feed them. But they are not play dogs. From the time they are young they are chosen for this great job based on the character of the dog. The blind person goes where the dog leads. He makes sure that she does not bump into anything while they are walking outdoors. It is imperative that the dog is not distracted while crossing the road with his owner. Cars should give them the right of way and not honk or yell at them. If the dog gets distracted the owner will get confused and there may be an accident.

The way the owner holds on to the dog leash is important. The owner gently pulls on the leash that tugs on the harness and holds him back. I explained to my friend that she was not being mean to the dog but rather corrective. He still thinks it was mean. Because there are people out there who think they can touch and play with a blind dog guide, we must educate the public that this is very serious and could jeopardize the life of the blind owner.

As those of us blessed with sight come across a blind person with a guide dog we must respect their delicate relationship. If you want to help the blind person, you may gently lead her on the other side of the dog. The blind dog guide must always be vigilant of his surroundings. The only way this could happen is if the dog is in his harness and the blind owner has a good grip on the leash.

Evangeline Samuel PhD. is a retired nurse who enjoys her daughters dog, Kates company, and loves dressing her up in designer clothes, dog leads and harnesses and have her sleep on designer dog beds.

Puppy Training
Dog Obedience
Puppy Housetraining
Dog Training
Puppy Housetraining
Puppy Training
Puppy Housebreaking
Dog Training
Puppy Housebreaking
Obedience Training
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Another win for Benson

Junes Benson was at the Joint Newfoundland Clubs Champ show at Stoneleigh recently and had a very good day. He won his Limit class, the RCC and then Reserve Best In Show!

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Welcome back to all my fellow bloggers

It feels good to be back and looking forward to a very good year.

It has taken me sometime before I up dated my blog, any way its been such a hectic time at the office that I had little time to chat to you guys. I did not even have time to visit some of my friends to see how their dogs are doing.

On a lighter note though, I will be attending the Instructors Course in Dog Training with the South African Dog Training College & Kennels in March 2011. Looking forward to having a good time. I know that most of you know just how passionate am I as far as dogs are concerned so I have decided to take it to another level.

Feel free to ask any questions regarding dogs when I come back from training as I will be more equipped to give advice to you. I will be learning from the best.

Have a lovely tail wagging Valentines Day
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Is really a Dog Training Shock Collar Humane

Is a dog training shock collar a humane tool for implementing in your dog? Pet owners and animal rights advocate groups are sharply divided on the subject. A surprise collar is actually a digital collar that shocks your pet when he is doing the incorrect thing. You are able to select from different amounts of shocks, for the way severe you would like the shock to become. However, the shock should not be set in excess of your dog are designed for, that is usually based on his size. A larger dog may take a significantly larger shock than the usual smaller dog. You possess a transmitter that you employ to transmit the shock, and also you achieve this once your dog does something you do not like. Since your dog wont associate the shock along with you, just the behavior, you are able to train your pet without your pet visiting fear you, that is what you ought to establish and gaze after a great relationship with him.

If your pet doesnt react to the shock, you are able to place it for any slightly higher setting. You should use the collar to show your pet not to jump on people, for instance, in order to not chew on the furniture. Your dog will quickly associate doing certain behaviors with getting shocked, if youre in line with its use, would you like to make sure to also have the transmitter available if you work with this process.

Of course, there are people and groups who believe shock collars are inhumane, simply because they make the dog pain. They liken using these collars to abuse. With regards to dog training shock collar use, it really is all dependent on personal preference and beliefs. If you think maybe shocking your pet to become abusive, then look for one other way of coaching him. Whether it doesnt bother you, then proceed. So long as you dont set the shock level sufficient to really damage your pet, itll cause him no lasting harm, and that he wont become fearful individuals while he wont know youre delivering the shocks (but hed determine if you had been hitting him, for instance ). If you feel this training method may be best for you, check it out and find out how it operates. Whether it doesnt feel right, you could choose permanently.

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Senin, 25 April 2016

Everything You Need To Know About Dog Training

Undesirable traits such as excessive barking, rowdiness and growling can be changed. If not trained completely out of a dog, they can at least be corrected with the following information in this article. With a good training program, any dog can be a trouble-free companion.

Consistency is the key to dog training. Write down the commands that you use and then make sure each person who needs to know them does. You also need to make certain that everyone should be rewarding the dogs good behavior and not rewarding any bad behavior. If different people in your household respond to the dog in different ways, it becomes confusing for the dog and less likely they will respond in the appropriate way.

In order to get a dog to be well-behaved, everyone who helps you take care of the dog should treat it the same way you do. Consistency is key when it comes to training your dog. If people who are involved with the dog each have different methods of treating the dog, it will become confused.

Your dogs mental and emotion health is dependent on it having something to keep it occupied. Your job lies in providing the right stimulation. Giving your dog fun toys and treats such as Kong Toys or Busy Bones is a great way to keep them happy. You should also walk them on a regular basis so that they can get out any pent up energy. If not given appropriate stimulation, a bored dog will find ways to occupy himself, like chewing up furniture, clothing or drywall!

They key to having a healthy dog is to keep your dog as active as possible. Canines were meant to exercise regularly. It is crucial for them to exert themselves often if they are to remain contented. Make sure your dog gets plenty of walks; play with it at the park, or even look into enrolling it in an agility class. Do not allow your dog to be bored. Make sure he or she stays as active as possible.

It is important to be consistent with the command that you give your dog for each of his specific behaviors. This method is generally very effective with dogs because they quickly learn to connect a stimulus with a certain behavior or action. Remember to be consistent about what commands you use and what behaviors you expect in every training session. By doing this, you will have a higher rate of success with training your pet.

When training your dog, never punish him. If he misbehaves, correct him, but most importantly, you should try to prevent that behavior from happening to begin with. Training is the perfect time to not only teach your pet, but to also talk with him, as this builds a very positive relationship.

Use the dogs name often when training to ensure that you have their attention. Over time and repetition, the dog will begin to understand their name and that they are being spoken to. Select a name that is short and distinctive.

Get your dog used to the things they will encounter when going for a vet visit. Gently place your hands over its body, acknowledging your dog when he responds positively. Work with him so he is tolerant of having his paws touched and teeth examined. Take the next step by having your friends perform the actions to your dog.

Its important to use treats that really capture your dogs full attention when training. You may even opt to give them they would not usually have, such as hotdogs or ice cream.

Make sure your dog enjoys training sessions. Remember that dogs have short attention spans, and keep your sessions short accordingly. The dog should be given ample rewards in various forms. You should praise your dog when he or she does a good job. Making training fun makes listening fun, too!

One thing you can try is to have your dog learn to hold toys in his mouth. Whenever he accepts the toy, you can feed him a treat. Once he learns the association, hold off on the clicker until he has the toy in his mouth. After using the clicker, reward him with a treat. Now, reserve the reward for only those times he completely holds the toy inside his mouth.

All dog owners need to realize that training a dog can now be a very simple task. The correct focus and determination will enable any dog owner to achieve wonderful things in the training of their pooch. The right training can help every dog thrive and be well behaved.
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Help Your Dog With These Training Tips

There are many different reasons to train your dog. Trained dogs can be useful both as companions and to accomplish work. Dog want to please their owners. This willingness also makes dogs an ideal family pet. The following ideas can help you learn to make your dogs training a better, more rewarding experience for the both of you.

You should start training your dog when its a puppy. If you acquire a dog later in its life, then start training it immediately. Much like human children, puppies learn faster than adult dogs. When you begin appropriate training early, it will be easier for your dog to grow up knowing the correct way to behave.

Sometimes it is necessary to hire a pro. When your dog training is going poorly, a professional can help out. A professional trainer can help you you back on track, and teach you how to properly train your dog.

Spay or neuter your dog at six months. After the dog is neutered or spayed, you should begin obedience classes with your dog. Any dog not "fixed" will be very excitable and easily distracted in obedience sessions. Your dog will be healthier, more content with his home life and may even live longer.

If you try to fit too much training in all at once, your puppy will get bored or overwhelmed. Remember that all dogs have short attention spans and puppies even more so. If you push too hard, your puppy will remember it as a negative experience, and the next time you work to train him, it will be far more difficult.

You should think about obedience classes if your dog is being bad. The instructor can give you ideas about how to handle problems like not listening, and excessive barking.

Communication is one essential thing to consider when training your dog. You should be as clear as possible, as well as consistent, when you are training your dog. Make sure your commands and body language are consistent, and that you reward and punish fairly. Likewise, dont neglect to give attention to what your dog tries to tell you. He will communicate whether he feels good or whether he needs to stop.

Any behavioral problems that crop up suddenly warrant a visit to your veterinarian to rule out health conditions. Certain health conditions or some pains can make your dog act out. Since we dont speak their language, this is their way of informing us that something is amiss.

Before you start training, learn which treats your dog likes best. Knowing the right food to give as a reward will get your dog to work harder at his training. Really pay attention to his reaction when he is given the treat and adjust your reward foods accordingly.

More often than not, dogs bite out of fear more than anything else. This happens when dogs feel frightened, trapped, or threatened. Dont forcefully train your dog. This makes your dog more likely to bite. A dog that respects you will obey you.

You must begin your relationship with the dog as the boss for any training to be effective. Your dog will not respect or obey you, unless you let him know that you are the boss. Dont let your dog control the direction or pace of your walks.

Set your dog up for success when training him to stop chewing inappropriate items. Make sure you keep any of your dogs that chew inappropriately, away from danger; you want to ensure your dogs safety. Items like hairbrushes can cause a dog to choke or could block their airway.

Remember how many treats you reward your dog with during the course of the day to avoid fattening him up. Many people overlook treats when considering the animals diet, but they certainly add up, especially during active training.

You should use positive motivation when you are training your dog. Remember to reward desired behavior achieved by your dog while training, especially in response to specific requests. Using a negative form of training or punishment only alienates the dog, and makes him afraid of you.

As you have read, pet owners choose to train their dogs for many different reasons. Dogs love to please, and a dog that is well-trained is a pleasure to live with. This article likely helped you brainstorm ideas for training your own furry pal.
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Choosing Dog Food Brands Without Long term Health Risks

By Veronica Eng

I do not advocate for commercially prepared dried pet food diet even if it is premium quality. From the pet food recall incident, we know that dogs today get sick from cancer, diheabetes, liver and kidney diseases at a young age and most died suffering from the onset of the illness. The pet food recall event has confirmed my thoughts that a pet diet does contribute and play a major role in their health condition today.

Today, we cannot ignore the fact that commercially prepared food is a cause of these recent pet health issues. Cooking for your pet seems like the best choice today with the pet food recall incident. If you are unable to provide for homemade dog food, here are my suggestions on selecting a commercially prepared dog food and doing the best you can with choices you can make in minimizing long term health risks.

1) Select from specialty shop like your local pet shop rather then buy from supermarket. This option is most convenient for busy a busy pet owner. However, much consideration must be placed into selecting premium dog foods to ensure quality food source goes into preparing the food.

2) Read the labels of any food you buy. Avoid products containing unnamed animal and vegetable byproducts, wheat gluten and rice protein.

3) Check the FDA website regularly to see if the pet food brand choice you select is in the recall list.

4) Select brands that have meat sources listed as first two ingredients in the list. Look out for words like human-grade food source or organic. Avoid brands that list grains as their main source of protein, meat meals and by-products, dyes, artificial preservatives like BHA, BHT, ethoxyquin and propylene glycol. Propylene glycol is known to cause bloat and anemia in dogs.

5) Do your research on dog food brands that you are feeding. Talk to dog owners who purchase the same brand as you and observe if their dogs are healthy and coat is looking good.

6) Choose premium brands from specialty store and perform some basic research on the source of meats and food source of the brand you choose.

7) Consider cooking and making a little extra fresh foods for in their daily meal and let this little extra be about 30% of your pet diet. Very simply, just include in your dog food some cooked meats with pulp vegetables and eggs instead of just dried food or canned foods. This will not throw the diet out of balance and your dog will have a more palatable and healthier meals.

8) Add enzymes to their meals. Most commercially prepared foods do not contain sufficient enzymes which is responsible for breaking down the food properly. Purchase enzymes supplement or you can give your pet fresh raw foods daily as there are enzymes and essential nutrients in fresh fruits and berries (just a little portion a day (AVOID all citrus fruits, avocados, grapes and raisins). Feed your dog raw fruits (at least 4 hours apart) separately from their main meal for better absorption of the nutrients.

Canned Dog Food Vs Home Cooked Meats

I found that most canned dog food usually contain some preservatives and/or salt. Though some preservatives are natural, but we have to ask ourselves. If eating canned food daily is not a good for us humans, logically, it is unhealthy for your dog as well. Canned food is a very convenient option and can be used occasionally when you are in a rush or your dog is in boarding. But on a regular basis, avoid giving your dog canned food everyday.

If you would like to make their meals more palatable, cook a pot of minced/chopped meats with olive oil, add some minced vegetables and eggs. Freeze up to a week worth of cooked food and defreeze as and when you need for mixing with your pet commercially produced food. It will save you daily preparation time if you do in bulk but most importantly, you have prepared a healthier option for your dog. It is also a cheaper option compared to some premium canned food.

Above All, Seek medical advice if your pet exhibits symptoms such as loss of appetite, bloating, lethargy, and/or vomiting as this could be signs of organ failures which could be fatal.

Veronica Eng researched on dog care from various sources for many years and summarized many effective yet simple guides to dog lovers. Her techniques have made her dogs healthy, vibrant and gorgeous coat that many envy. Natural pet health is her passion! More tips at

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Scottish Kennel Club Champ Show Aug 10

The sun was shining at Ingliston on 28th and 29th August but, as is often the way at this venue, a very strong wind was blowing, which made things a little chilly. Just as well those marquees are pretty sturdy as they took quite a battering!

Spey Valley members did well, one coming home with a CC and three with RCCs!

Working - Elaines Zeta was 1st in her Open Bitch class and added another CC to her collection, Junes Benson was 1st in Limit and took the RCC.

Hound - Niamhs Mia was 1st Junior Bitch, Lizs Bunty was 4th in a large Post Grad Bitch class but sister Poppy went even better by taking 2nd in Limit Bitch and then the RCC.

Toy - Elizabeth and George took Best Bitch with one of the Bolognese (Lola?), Jills Cracker won his Puppy Dog class, Sues Elwood won his class and Best Puppy Dog, Pansy was 2nd in Open Bitch and also took the RCC.

Utility - The Eurasiers were out in force for the Imported Register classes, Morags Gigha was 2nd in Post Grad Bitch and Logie won his Open Dog class and then went Best Import.

Pastoral - Linda and Vics Gino was 3rd in Limit Dog and Candy won her Limit Bitch class. Carols Chaos won her Puppy Bitch class and her brother was 3rd in Puppy Dog.

Gundog - Frans Diesel was 1st in Limit Dog, Sues Irish Setter pup (whose name I dont know!) was 1st in her Puppy Bitch class and Katies Leia was 2nd in a good sized Limit Bitch class.

Terrier - Daveenas Inka took BOB.

Junior Handling - Caitlin got to grips with an Australian Shepherd Dog and won the YKC handling class.

Congratulations everyone!

Leia - 2nd LB

Logie doing his lap of honour in the group ring after taking Best Import Register

Elwood - 1st PD and BPD

Pansy - 2nd OB and RCC

Caitlin - 1st YKC handling
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Obedience winners

Well done to all those placed in the obedience classes at Roseisle.




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"Who Else Wants a Happier Well-Behaved Dog that
will Bring More Joy
to Your Family for
Years to Come?"

Dear Friend,

Every dog owner has probably been down this road before - the head banging futility of trying to get your dog to listen to you, whether young or old on overcoming a particular behaviour problem. Unfortunately, in some cases it can be downright impossible to get through to them and overcome whatever mental blocks and obedience issues they have.

Despite whatever that is causing your dog’s obedience problems, know that 99.9% of all dogs are good at heart and capable of learning exactly how to behave. It’s only a matter of finding the teaching method that works for them and being consistent in how you approach their issues.
That’s why we have started this website to help dog owners develop a better relationship with their pets with online dog training tips; to find out what your dog wants and needs to see and hear from you to avoid the negative impact of these behaviours in your home.

Download Ebook
(Downloaded 103 times)

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Minggu, 24 April 2016

Plenty of passes

Well done to everyone who passed their Silver and Gold tests today, and those who were successful in the Bronze last week.  For those that didnt manage it this time, keep at it and good luck for the next test.




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5 tips to reduce barking at home

We all know how it feels when the dog goes barking, especially at nothing in particular. The unending barks of a dog can drive you out of your skin. It is irritating. The worst part about a dog howling at nothing visible is that you cannot take care of the situation. If only you understood dog language, things would probably have been better. But I would offer five great tips to reduce your dog’s barking at home.

Tip number one is to find out why your dog barks. Yes, it seems impossible but it is possible. It may sound funny, but most of the time a dog barks, it does so because it has no other thing to do or say. Whenever it is not eating, or toying with a bone, then it could become fed up ad resort to barking.

Tip number two: we have now discovered the main reason dogs bark, and if we can solve a dog’s boredom, then in a large number of cases, we may just have eliminated unnecessary barking. To solve a dog’s boredom, you would need to give it some playtime. One such way is to go out jogging or on strolls with your dog. One great idea is to leave a big bone in its pen. You would be amazed how much magic this one does.

A third very important tip in reducing your dog’s barking is by discouraging it from doing so. Your dog must learn to know that you appreciate when it barks and needs your attention, but it must also know when it’s howling goes beyond the limit. My response to this is simple: I splash some water on my dog, and if she does not keep shut, then I know it has to be barking for a germane reason.

Now, one rule in training a dog is consistency. Dogs learn by continuous and repetitive exercises, followed up with treats and rewards. Anything short of that may never yield fruit. A good dog is trained to be fed, and would expect to be fed at a particular time of the day. A good dog owner would also keep his or her own part of the deal and feed the dog at particular times of the day. A dog barking may be a signal that it is expecting its meal or wants to pooh. That brings me to tip number four. Whatever it is you have trained your dog to do, keep your own side of the bargain.

If there is one thing a dog owner must never do to a dog, it is to scold it for barking. Dogs express themselves by barking and trying to prevent this can make your scared of you or make it a recluse. You only need to know why it is barking and make an attempt at solving the issue.

Finally, I unravel tip number five. Whenever your dog goes a-howling, give it a shoulder to lean on. Smooth its back, look around. It may be barking at a reptile or a croaking frog. Give it the “Stop” command and pat it on the head for obeying.

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Basic Dog Obedience Training Command

By Leo Enoch

I cannot emphasize more the value of obedience training for your dog. Besides it is very substantial to the well being of your dog and your own happiness in owning a dog.

Dog owners would absolutely enjoy more sharing a house, a car or even spending the time together walking your dog in the public, when your dog can be told to eliminate outside (house training), to come, to sit or to stay easily at your direction.

Obedience Training also show very clear sign of responsible ownership, it is so widely known that if your dog can display these basic obedience commands as well as walking on leash with ease and some other simple task, your dog can earn the American Kennel Club (AKC) Canine Good Citizen Certification.

This Certification is a testimony that your dog is sociable, well behaved and not dangerous to people in general. In some state this CGC Certification is a benchmark of your dog behavior and responsible dog ownership.

Dog owners more than others those who are new in general faces difficulty in training their dog, it is because they do not understand that dogs think and act different from us. They failed to make much development in dog training because they failed to realize that dog communicate differently from us.

The major mistake made by new dog owners is having a lot of command and inconsistency in their training routines. Remember that consistency is very important, do not say 2 words for the same of action that you want your dog to obey.

Here below are some commonly used basic dog obedience commands that you should start with prior going to other more advance command, that will aid you as dog owner to feel comfortable bringing your dog for a walk in the park or in public areas.

Come: this command is used to recall your dog

Sit: this command tell your dog to be in sitting position.

Stay: the dog must keep still in any position whether it is sitting, down or in that location where the command is given until released by you

Down: this command tells the dog to go down with its front feet and rear legs are touching the ground.

Here are some tips how you can really improve the effectiveness and the rate of your dog learning:

1. At all times you must use the same command words and in the same tone or speed of speaking

2. Have tolerance, your dog will fail you.

3. The dog has single track mind, teach one thing at a time, do not try to teach a lot of command in one single training session

4. When your dog did anything right or wrong, your rewards and punishment should come almost immediately. Do not punish or reward after a long time break from the act itself because your dog will not be able to relate the two.

5. Increase bonding with your dog by bringing him out for an exercise or play with him. All training session should be based on this relationship.

6. Prior training your dog, you should get highly regarde dog training manual and go through it thoroughly before starting your dog training session. It is harder to ask your dog to unlearn wrong things than learning new things

7. Never call your dog to come to you to punish, you will give them wrong understanding that the word come means punishment.

8. Do not permit other people to give any command to your dog especially when you are training him.

9. Do not train your dog when you are not in the mood or when you are not feeling well.

10. Never get violence with your dog.

Obedience Training is a clear sign of responsible dog ownership. Every responsible dog owner should endeavor to train his/her dog to at least acquire these basic obedience skills.

Leo Enoch is providing a Free Tips and Information on Effective Dog Training Solution.


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Dog Obedience Training Techniques

Training dog can be quiet hard especially on obedience topic so it is very important that you must know the right and effective techniques to be able to remove your dog bad behaviours. Training can be done anywhere for example at home, backyard or with specialist private trainer etc.

If you have chosen to train your dog by yourself then you must have the following characteristics such as patience, temper control, truly understanding of your dog behavior etc. because at the beginning your they wont listen to you easily and it requires a lot of time and hard work to get them on the right track.

Here are a few dog obedience training techniques.

Be happy during the training

Dog are very sensitive and they can know your feeling when you are having stress or in a bad mood so be sure to clear all your problems before you begin the lesson.

Your dog is ready (not tired)

Dog that are in tired state can be slow, lethargic and easily distracted by surrounding activities so they cannot absorb much on what you are trying to teach. This reaction also cause the trainer to become frustrated and again dog are very sensitive and they can pick up your feeling really quick so it is just a waste of time to train them when they are in tired state.

Your dog is hungry

This is very important if you are in the training lesson with treat because they will be more likely to listen to you if you give them food when they response to your treat.

Do not use force when training your dog for example if you want to teach him to lie down on the floor then do not force your him down by pushing the top of his shoulder or hind end.

These are effective dog obedience training techniques that expert used in their course.

1) Teaching difficult command from easy to hard.

2) Duration of time that your dog response before giving them food.

3) Choose low distraction area.

4) Distance between trainer and dog.

5) Use the same command at different location.

6) Change the surface environment for example grass, cement, sand, dirt etc.

7) Given command at different contexts and situations.

8) Different training times morning, noon and evening.

9) different voice volume and tone level.

Dog is your best friend. Learn all the initial sign of dog symptoms in details at to help them when they get sick before it is too late. You can also find latest informations on dog chocolate symptoms.

Obedience Training
Dog Housebreaking
Obedience Training
Dog Training
Dog Obedience
Dog Housetraining
Obedience Training
Obedience Training
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Silver and Gold

It was a busy test day on Sunday with twelve taking Silver and ten Gold.  We think that was the highest number weve had for a Gold test and, with seven passing, it was a very successful one!  Better luck next time to those that didnt quite make it - you were all so close! 

Dont forget its the Christmas party tomorrow night, 7pm - weather permitting!



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Dog Training How

Well, I have been searching the net for quite a while now on how to find quality information on how to properly train your dog/pup. I first looked for tips, found nothing. Then in a Google search of "how to train your puppy" I came across a dog training guide. I saw this one, wasnt really impressed and then did another Google search for "dog training guides" and found A LOT of them. I even purchased one!
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Sabtu, 23 April 2016

Advice on House Training Your Dog or Pup

When first starting to house train our dogs most of us just assume that accidents are going to happen. Well this technique of house training your dog is targeted more toward stopping accidents rather than waiting for them to happen. We want to make it easy for the dog to do the right thing the first time.

House training your dog in this fashion is faster, easier and more effective than scolding and punishing your dog for past mistakes. The success or failure of your dog is all up to you. This method requires patients, determination and reliability in order for it to work. This technique works well for adult dogs and pups alike.

A dog crate will be needed when using this method. If you don’t have a dog crate, a small confined area will work just fine. Basically any spot where your dog can rest, stay safe, secure and out of trouble when they cant be supervised. This will make the job a lot easier.

When house training your dog it is important to remember that adult dogs and pups can be house broken in the same way. If you are training a pup keep in mind that puppies have limited bladder control and might require a bit more attention than an adult dog.

First off provide your dog with a clean area to sleep like a crate or small confined area. It may be hard to believe but dogs do like to be clean and have an area that is not stinky and dirty.

Scheduling is essential when house training. Dogs could be very routine animals and they usually “need to go” when they wake up in the morning, after a nap, within ½ hour after eating and before they go to sleep. Accidents will happen if your dog is not allowed to relieve himself at those times. Better yet just assume that your dog “needs to go” and let them outside.

When using a crate for house training the size of the crate is very important. If the crate is to big your dog or pup might just use one end as a bathroom instead of showing you that they need to go outside. Remember dogs wont use the bathroom where they go to sleep unless they have to. If you feel your dog has a bit more room in their crate than necessary put down some newspaper on one end so they can use the bathroom when you’re not home to let them out. The crate is intended to be their sleeping and eating place and since dogs like clean sleeping areas they wont dirty their crate if they can help it.

Developing a schedule with your dog is very important when house training. This helps establish control of the times they have to go and also helps prevent accidents. Remember, first thing in the morning then breakfast in the crate. They should have to relieve themselves within ½ hour after eating so put them outside to do so. For the first month or so you probably will feed your dog 3 to 4 times a day following the same routine.

So here’s the breakdown, First thing in the morning right when you wake up, then wait about an hour to give him breakfast in his crate, after let him out to relieve himself. They should need to use the bathroom about every hour after that especially after naps and meals.

House training your dog could be very simple just remember that patients and routine are very important. I hope this has been helpful. Good Luck!
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